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Author Topic: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff  (Read 24455 times)

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #75 on: April 14, 2014, 11:11:09 AM »
I know the area that you are talking about. I am going to go back and either hammer roll or get some vise grips and fold that area in. I thought that area would clear good but looks can be decieving. Thanks for the heads up on that one. Yea it would have hurt real bad if the slicks got cut up on the first launch.

Offline SuperSlow

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #76 on: April 14, 2014, 11:47:35 AM »
What bs are those front runners? You have t2 calipers up front?

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #77 on: April 15, 2014, 12:21:52 AM »
I will check the BS on the front runners tomorrow after I get out of work, and to be honest with you I'm not sure on the calipers in the front either. 

When I bought this car as a roller about a year and a half ago, it came with the front runners. When I installed the line locks on the front tires I checked the brake pads but they were practically new so I did not change them.

But I will check on them first thing tomorrow after I get out of work ....I will check them and get an answer for you on that.

Offline SuperSlow

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #78 on: April 18, 2014, 01:13:35 PM »
Cool man. Let me know what calipers you have too. T2 calipers have 4 piston vs the base model's 2 piston calipers.

Offline AndreS

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #79 on: April 28, 2014, 10:34:06 AM »
those are weld draglites on the front, they won't clear a T2 caliper w/o lots of spacer.  NA calipers are single piston and will clear almost any wheel.

 there are several wheels that work with T2 calipers,  some better than others... here are some examples:
-FC or FD 16" spares plus MC tires or coker 16's
- RX8 spares with some of the new M&H 17" front runners
- NSX spares (15x5)  + std frontrunners
-weld RTS 15x4 w/ 2.5" BS with a spacer to clear + std frontrunners.

88 RX7 'SE'- LS1/4L60E, yank SS3600, T2 diff, S5 NA 5 lug swap, KYB struts, etc.... best 1/4: 11.575 @ 117, 1.59 60'.

Offline zbrown

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #80 on: April 28, 2014, 11:20:37 AM »

Summit warrior rt fit the 4 piston caliper just barely no spacer or anything

They are a RTS copt

Offline GuillaumeC

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #81 on: April 29, 2014, 10:14:10 AM »
I have the Summit Drag Thrust on mine.
I had the wheel machined to clear the "bump" on the T2 calipers, not much material needed to be removed.

1989 Mazda RX7 Turbo II, 357ci LT1, AI TFS CNC heads, Garrett GTX4708R, Ford 8.8" SAS, TH400. (Current project)
1995 Chevy Caprice, Twin turbo 357ci LT1, 9.96 @ 141.2 mph (sold)

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2014, 01:27:56 AM »
Sorry i have not been able to get you that info, late days at work has kept me busy. I have not even been able to get the car off the trailer. They are weld rims drag lites and I looked under the car today though it was a tight fit as it was still on the trailer. I did see that there was a spacer. And the calipers have been grinded down. But it seems as though at one point the calipers rubbed on the wheel as well.  :banghead:

I think you should go with the wheels that Zbrown posted they will fit with no modification. ..they look good.....and they are at a very good price...I got the rear wheels from summit they are the drag thrusts as well...The rears need no modification except for some fender rolling. I will get the measurements for you this Saturday on my day off if you still need them.

Here is a pic of the inside of the wheel with the spacer...and from the top where the wheel tucks in the fender.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 01:34:48 PM by Geoturbo »

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #83 on: May 03, 2014, 01:29:14 PM »
I will finally be able to work on the car today!  :) I have been ordering parts for the car but since I had been busy with work, I did not have the time to install any of them.

The latest purchases were a Hurst black pistol grip shifter with button.  :drive:

I will wire my line lock and 2 step with activating switches to the button. This way I can use it for line lock on the burn out then I can arm the 2 step at the line and have both the line locks and and 2-step activated with the button simultaneously. I have a line lock for each front tire and the 2 step set up at 2300 RPM. Hopefully this will keep it from rolling out of the line and will also give me a chance to flash the converter to see if I can get some better times on the 60.

I also purchased some Bosch EV14's 56#'s with adapters. They are high impedance injectors, which is what i need for my system.

These will be a small bump up from my 42# Bosch Green Tops, I will be sending the 42's to get cleaned and flowed to see if they were off and by how much. Last time I saw my plugs I wasn't satisfied with the difference in color between some of them.

I've heard and read that the EV14s have very good idle characteristics, 6 hole tip, low inertia, ball and seat pintle designs are "supposed" to deliver fast and precise opening times, and the atomization on them is supposed to be superb. Plus many people have used them well over 80 psi on the fuel rail with FMU's.

I will see how they do on my car and report back to you guys. As of now I have my idle set to about 1000 RPM, But I'm going to drop to about 850RPM and see how the engine reacts. The 42's did not like the 850 idle. If these prove to do well I will then bump up to some EV14 72# or 95#'s. I know that ID's would be the best route but for now I will try these EV14's and see how they do.

Also I will be throwing in a fresh set of NGK plugs (R5724-9) that way I can get a good initial reading on them and I will be running E-50. As of right now I will just be running 8#s of boost and no intercooler and plan to go full E-85 down the road.

Also I bought some carbon fiber kick panels and a carbon fiber wing, I bought them from a member on this forum and I'm sure most of you know who that is. :) He's a real car enthusiast and a great guy and is more than welcomed to take my car down the 1/4 mile anytime he visits :)

I will be posting up the progress with all these parts and any questions I come across.

Oh yea I also had one question for everyone here.

On the rear hubs...I have the ones that are 5 lug star shaped, yet I've seen the 5 lug round ones for sale but not the star shaped ones. What is the difference between these if any besides the shape? Are they interchangeable?

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #84 on: May 05, 2014, 03:28:48 AM »
OK here's and update.

First off the EV14s.. we're a no go.

They were too short and I did not order any extenders for I slapped on the 42s again. I also installed the old turboXs blow off valve from my old turbo Lebaron. I like that it's adjustable on how hard or soft you set it. I also have two extra cold start injectors on it that I can wire up later if needed. On the Lebaron I had them wired up to Hobbs pressure switches..they would come on at 26psi and 29psi.. :)

The car was very loose at the track again, but we did manage to run a 11.813 @116.33 with a slooowww 1.767 60ft....i launched on the 2-step set at 2100rpm. I backed it up with a 11.912 @ 116.88 mph...throughout both runs the car was dancing all over the place but i stayed on the gas...on the third run i dropped the pressure on the slicks to 8 psi and bumped the boost to 8#s ...that was a as soon as i got past the 60 it pulled hard left and even with my best efforts i went into the left lane and got off the one ever lined up next to me to get a grudge race so the road was clear...good thing to..

I did notice on the first run that the car was idling a bit funky... my a/f were good..but it still bucked a bit on cruise...I checked the fuel and it was piss I checked the ethanol content on it and it was at E30 so I mixed in 2 gallons of E60 which looked clear the way it's supposed to....and it cleaned the idle up a bit...I'm going to check filters pump etc and see if there is any debris or anything on them...

I'm confused as to why the fuel in the tank was yellow...I filled it up about 3 weeks ago...anyone ever seen this before...??? A/F was .700 on lambda scale so I know I can still lean it out a bit...

I still cant complain as the car is getting faster every time out...just gotta work out all the bugs and get some traction...then maybe bump up the boost on full E85....

I may try another track soon because quite honestly my local track is just not holding when I get on the boost...Oh and I was running brand new M/T 28 inch slicks so I'm leaning more towards the prep of the track or rather the lacking of proper prep on it...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 03:54:45 AM by Geoturbo »

Offline digitalsolo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #85 on: May 05, 2014, 08:29:49 AM »
Good to see you're making progress;  I have to believe that setup should have a heck of a lot more in it once you get it dialed in.

No idea on the yellow fuel;   mine has never been anything but crystal clear.
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #86 on: May 05, 2014, 06:18:18 PM »
Thanks! Its getting faster each time out but I really dont think it should be getting as loose as it does all through the track at only 6psi...I think maybe the track prep is not as good as it should be.. but it was good to see the 11 second time slip. Maybe next time out we can hit low 11's maybe even touch some 10's...

However the last time I took it out to the 1/8 on the same track it had a best of 1.42 60 ft and 7.13 on the 1/8. Which should put me in the low 11 or high 10 second mark..

I'm really wanting to put the boost up on it but on this track its pointless. One thing is for sure though the car is fun to drive as it gets loose down the

Yea the fuel issue is weird I have no idea why its yellow..... I've only seen crystal clear as well, every now and then maybe a small hint of yellow but this was literally piss yellow just like after a night of beer and alcohol

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2014, 12:30:14 AM »
Here is a pic of the fuel I was talking about...

I finally installed the EV14's...had to order some top hats filters and locking clips......I've switched over to E85 now and starting to work out the bugs on the tune and see if we can dip to a high 10 maybe...???

Last 1/8 mile runs were 7.2-7.5 with the A/F at .73-.75 lambda....she runs cooler with the E85....and it seems that the slicks are spinning a bit on the rim...

Next time out at the track I'm going to launch with the 2-step set at 2500 RPM and leave with maybe 2-4psi off the line...hopefully the stock N/A diff and axles will handle the launch :drive:

Offline digitalsolo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2014, 01:21:34 AM »
Hah, that looks about the color of some of the weird nitro blends we ran for a season on our fuel bike.   Funky.
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline Geoturbo

Re: Looking for suspension setup for Drag racing on N/A Diff
« Reply #89 on: June 01, 2014, 01:39:19 AM »
Yea I had never seen it this color before...well I have before but that was when we pulled it out of a car that had been sitting for about 4 years and the fuel was already way past bad..   

This was actually new fuel and it was yellow...left me wondering......