I will finally be able to work on the car today!

I have been ordering parts for the car but since I had been busy with work, I did not have the time to install any of them.
The latest purchases were a Hurst black pistol grip shifter with button.
I will wire my line lock and 2 step with activating switches to the button. This way I can use it for line lock on the burn out then I can arm the 2 step at the line and have both the line locks and and 2-step activated with the button simultaneously. I have a line lock for each front tire and the 2 step set up at 2300 RPM. Hopefully this will keep it from rolling out of the line and will also give me a chance to flash the converter to see if I can get some better times on the 60.
I also purchased some Bosch EV14's 56#'s with adapters. They are high impedance injectors, which is what i need for my system.
These will be a small bump up from my 42# Bosch Green Tops, I will be sending the 42's to get cleaned and flowed to see if they were off and by how much. Last time I saw my plugs I wasn't satisfied with the difference in color between some of them.
I've heard and read that the EV14s have very good idle characteristics, 6 hole tip, low inertia, ball and seat pintle designs are "supposed" to deliver fast and precise opening times, and the atomization on them is supposed to be superb. Plus many people have used them well over 80 psi on the fuel rail with FMU's.
I will see how they do on my car and report back to you guys. As of now I have my idle set to about 1000 RPM, But I'm going to drop to about 850RPM and see how the engine reacts. The 42's did not like the 850 idle. If these prove to do well I will then bump up to some EV14 72# or 95#'s. I know that ID's would be the best route but for now I will try these EV14's and see how they do.
Also I will be throwing in a fresh set of NGK plugs (R5724-9) that way I can get a good initial reading on them and I will be running E-50. As of right now I will just be running 8#s of boost and no intercooler and plan to go full E-85 down the road.
Also I bought some carbon fiber kick panels and a carbon fiber wing, I bought them from a member on this forum and I'm sure most of you know who that is.

He's a real car enthusiast and a great guy and is more than welcomed to take my car down the 1/4 mile anytime he visits

I will be posting up the progress with all these parts and any questions I come across.
Oh yea I also had one question for everyone here.
On the rear hubs...I have the ones that are 5 lug star shaped, yet I've seen the 5 lug round ones for sale but not the star shaped ones. What is the difference between these if any besides the shape? Are they interchangeable?