So I went to the tuner that initially tuned my car for some free tweaking. The idle needed work. I mentioned above, the annoying behavior. So I spent about 2 hours with the tuner where he got ride of some codes and worked solely on the idle behavior. Unfortunately, it isn't fixed, just different behavior that still stumbles and falls and dies.
He thought he had it, and it all seemed pretty good revving it up while parked and seemed to be decent on the test drive. However, just about every waking moment after that is shitty unless driving. The relatively consistent idle is now hunting a range of about 300 rpm, and drops low enough to allow the lights to dim.
I did some reading on tuning this engine family to learn more about it. I'm not sure what all the tuner did. He is not very interactive. Don't get me wrong, everything else about the tune seems spot on. He has a local reputation and has tuned about 100 cars supposedly. But I think something has him stumped about my idle.
He did ask what cam I had, I told him I didn't know but that it was supposed to be mild, and he responded with... Its bigger than you think it is. I don't know if that is an excuse or an admission that it is tough to tune a big cam.
Not sure what to do at this point. I have unlimited tweak sessions included, but I would think he should have gotten it right by now.
There seems to be a relationship with the idle and voltage. I cleaned up my battery terminals and will be checking my other grounds when I can get an hour without precipitation.