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Author Topic: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel  (Read 2270 times)

Offline shakenbake

Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« on: October 06, 2013, 06:17:56 PM »
I'm upgrading the Kraut Sled so this Spec Stage 2+ setup is up for sale. The whole system has less than 5000 miles on it. It was all in a F body T56.  The slave cyl. is the more expensive GM version and the OEM  flywheel was new when installed. There are no track passes on it at all. $350 plus shipping for the whole setup. I don't have pics right now but can get some tomorrow.

Offline Bowtie7

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 08:47:09 PM »
Interested for sure. How is pedal effort? Any wierd wear patterns on plate? Had a few issues with Spec in past with uneven clamping. Can you bring it to SNS?
I do love what I do!

Offline shakenbake

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 08:50:48 PM »
I'll get a good look at it and some pictures for you tomorrow. It's at my buddies shop. I can bring it to SNS

Offline Bowtie7

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2013, 08:56:14 PM »
Thanks. You can email pics to
I do love what I do!

Offline Ebush

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 12:25:11 AM »
Interested for sure. How is pedal effort? Any wierd wear patterns on plate? Had a few issues with Spec in past with uneven clamping. Can you bring it to SNS?

Its been a year since Ive driven the car but I dont remember there being a stiff pedal. It felt very stock and easy to drive from what I remeber but Ill let Brad chime in about details.

Offline Rotorious

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2013, 08:47:38 AM »
Very interested also. Mainly in the clutch and flywheel. willing to sell things sep.?
1987 Rx7 - lm7 / t56 in progress

Offline m54ci

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2013, 05:01:12 PM »
Hello Brad,

I am interested. If you have the time, perhaps I can have your help to install it?

Please let me know. Thanks!


Offline shakenbake

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2013, 05:40:09 PM »
Here are some pics. Charlie has first dibs since he responded first. I'll go down the list from there.

Clutch is in great shape. It has little wear, no heat marks and is ver even. The pressure plate and flywheel look almost new. As a bonus it comes with ARP hardware for the clutch side.

Offline shakenbake

Re: Spec Stage 2+ Clutch, slave cyl and OEM flywheel
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2013, 03:06:28 PM »
Sale pending to Charlie.