So this will be my built thread!!!
This project will roll on the road But may finish as a drift bitch so in other word I will try to keep the car clean till I hit the wall!!!
The car is an 1988 fc with no option at all with a N/a 13b
I think I will swap a V8 but still tink about all the engine I ave the option to put in the rx7 sutch a large engine bay.
But i still ave time to think till winter!
here is the car

So most of the time the car look like that

I swap the clutch to beat the rotary (till death I hope) maybe the exaust will spit a rotor!!!

So on my bday i bought Coilovers ( CUSCO ) they dont sammed the car as much as I tink but they Stiff as F@&%

This dont look good

This look Good

Rays 18x8 18x9 in the back
I recently install my asd ebrake

so this is the first post of my built thread