Car looks great! Curious, how did you mount the stainless steel mesh?
A whole lot of black silicone adhesive.
Why have I never seen anything about your whole build yet? How much were those forgelines? Looks awesome.
Most of the time I suck at taking pictures. Mike(Ls1FD) did the swap from LS6 to LS7/8.8 back in late 09. Took a couple of weeks and was only able to manage a couple shitty Iphone pics of the process.
Looks awesome! I absolutely love those Forgelines! Did you have to do any trimming to front bumper or fenders to clear lock to lock?
In normal driving so far I haven't found any rubbing issues but I'm sure I will. I'm planning on having to do some trimming.
Looks very good, not sure how I can keep up with you at the track now.
Pretty sure its going to be you out front. Not the other way around.
Nice work, I'm jealous of having that much tire up front.
What size tire is out back?
Looks fantastic!
Your car just gets better looking all the time. All of your mods are tastefully done. Nice work!
I will be getting the front and rear from Ronin. Hopefully Ronin will be going into production soon on the rears.

I'm just glad you decided to sell it to me back in 05. Hopefully we can all get together and do a track day early next year.
Thanks for all the comments. I'm just trying to keep up with alot of other cars here