Riiiiighhht. As far as the lawyer goes... there are generally DUI attorneys that specialize in DUI cases and will take you on for a flat-rate... as in $2000 and they will get you off(haha I know I said get you off). You know you have a good one when they charge you $2000-3000 and tell you that you will not lose your license AND that they WILL get you off. They will handle your case even if you lose the case, they will appeal until they win. All for the flat-rate DUI fee. They are really impressive sleezeballs. But they are worth it.
It all depends on your state, but you probably will have to do something about your license before you court date. You will have to do this with your motor vehicle department in order to not lose your license before the court date. They operate serperately in most states and people dont realize this. Usually you can petition the DMV for a hearing. Do that now if you havent, because if you dont, you will have to take the classes to get your license back even if you win your court case.
Get the lawyer that tells you that he is yours until you win. Spend the money.