First off LOL
Between my rx7, ltd, friends cars, and customers cars, we 've proven MANY times this fuel setup works fine at 800+ rwhp, 900+ on several of those. We've got LOTS of logged street miles, lots of wot pulls, never an issue with this setup. This is on e85 also, which requires A LOT more fuel!
Is it the best way to do it, NO, does it work fine at sub 950rwhp ON E85, YES! That is the problem with the internet, too many KNOW IT ALLS, who don't have actual PROOF of what works or doesn't. Great example here and also can get on ls1tech's fuel section and read vendors selling of fuel LINE and RAIL upgrades for guys wanting 650rwhp, when both will work fine at 900+ rwhp on e85.
Don't say it's gonna torch a piston when you don't know what you are talking about, plain and simple you are just making yourself look bad.