« on: April 27, 2012, 03:40:24 PM »
Awesome, thank you so much for your help. Sorry to anyone who thinks my questions are annoying.
So far my list is:
Milled 243 heads
1 7/8 headers
255 walbro
LS6 Intake, rails, and injectors
Comp 918 beehive spring (I have actually been told by 3 people to use these soooo i will)
Still undecided on cam. Probably use LS7 lifters (not much more $ then LS1) and unsure which lifter tray (LS7?.. LS2?). Should I switch to LS2 timing chain? From what I've read, LS9 MLS head gaskets are being used because they are 7 layer and better for people using boost? I may just use LS1 head gaskets. also read about ported LS6 oil pump, any thoughts on that?