« on: July 10, 2016, 12:29:53 PM »
So long time with no update, and no I didnt abandon the car like so many builds..... I retired from the Navy, relocated back to Jacksonville FL, and started another career. When I started the car I had a knocking, so I ripped the motor back apart and couldn't find anything. So I threw in the towel and took it to a builder. Guy came from a recommendation of a friend who had his Terminator motor done there. I felt even better when i found out a fellow NoRotors member worked there. The knocking came from over honing of the cylinder walls. So it got bored .005 over and did JE forged pistons and a few other things... Dropped the motor back in yesterday and will get it put back together in the next few days. Here are some pics of the move, picking the car back up, dropping it back in, and one of Ryan23s STI while it was in my garage in VA..... Also while the motor was out I removed the F body clam shells off of my subframe and changed it to a Vette style mount.