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Messages - jparker7

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 88
Drivetrain / Re: TR6060 Clutch Bleed
« on: September 06, 2018, 12:09:44 PM »
Also, if the pedal felt good, consider that you may have too much travel on the TOB.  This forces the PP fingers too far, causing it to bind/reengage.  I recently had this issue and had to fab a pedal stop.  Easy to check with the car up on stands.

It only feels good when the bleeder is open.  Its super stiff when its shut

Drivetrain / Re: TR6060 Clutch Bleed
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:26:44 PM »
First thing is to always bench bleed the master cylinder.  Then I always have used the:  Open bleeder, depress clutch, close bleeder and repeat.  Never had any issues with this method.

Ive bled three other t56s with no bench bleeding and never have an issue.  I think my method is whats wrong.

Drivetrain / Re: TR6060 Clutch Bleed
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:19:49 PM »
I just read something I'm gonna try.  Open Bleeder depress clutch close bleeder release pedal and repeat until its bled. If this don't work It may be $$$$ TIME

Drivetrain / Re: TR6060 Clutch Bleed
« on: September 04, 2018, 12:07:35 PM »
How are you doing the bleed?

I tried it three ways.  First I just pumped the clutch with the bleeder open into submerged fluid until no bubbles.  Then I used a mighty vac.  Yesterday I opened the bleeder and put it inside the master and just looped the fluid back to the reservoir until there were no bubbles then I tried the first way again.  Now I don't know what to do except to tear shit apart and replace parts.   

Drivetrain / TR6060 Clutch Bleed
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:02:19 AM »
I'm having an issue bleeding my Clutch.  I have a tr6060 from an 2010 Camaro in my project.  I've bled it for ever and got a good pedal, but it wont engage the clutch so I bled it some more and now it feels even better but when I close the remote bleeder the pedal wont move at all.  It acts like its air locked.  I've never had an issue bleeding a T56 and am kind of stumped at what could be wrong.  Clutch, Slave, and Master are all new.  1" 7/8 willwood master.  I just don't want to start replace parts when I don't have too.

Ive also used an air powered bleeder tool and still won't work.  Any suggestions?

Build Threads / Re: Blake's 1965 Mustang Project
« on: August 01, 2017, 06:58:29 AM »
What fuel pressure regulator are you using for your build and is it boost referenced

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Re: Need a Base tune on my turbo 5.3
« on: April 12, 2017, 02:29:13 PM »
Tuned by frost should be able to make you a base tune. If you have access to HP tuners you could look through the tune repository for a turbo tune to use as a base.

The only access I would have would be to buy it.  Ive looked at some basic HP tuner set up to make it run but Im definitely not confident in trying to tune it myself.  Where is the repository is it accessible if you have a license file  or your own copy of HPtuners

The repository is only available if you when you buy the software and have an account.

Tuned by frost is a great tuner and should be able to help you out with a mail order base tune.

Ill have to check it out when I get home.  For some reason its blocked at work.

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Re: Need a Base tune on my turbo 5.3
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:26:20 AM »
Tuned by frost should be able to make you a base tune. If you have access to HP tuners you could look through the tune repository for a turbo tune to use as a base.

The only access I would have would be to buy it.  Ive looked at some basic HP tuner set up to make it run but Im definitely not confident in trying to tune it myself.  Where is the repository is it accessible if you have a license file  or your own copy of HPtuners

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Need a Base tune on my turbo 5.3
« on: April 11, 2017, 09:03:00 PM »
I'm building a 47 chevy with a 5.3 turbo, and a tr6060  Im looking for someone to put a tune on the ECU just so I can start it break in the motor check for leaks bleed coolant and so forth.   Just a final check before I get it on a dyno.  I need Vats disabled fan controls skip shift all the basics plus make it idle on 80lb injectors.  Im in southern IN and can mail the ECU anywhere but would prefer to get a base tune and the final tune by the same guy.  I would like to go SD tune instead of MAF but Im open to either.  PM any info or recommended contacts

Build Threads / Re: Akina's build
« on: March 17, 2017, 06:05:12 PM »
window look slick. Can you tint it like glass. 

The Lounge / Re: Jim Davis
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:43:36 PM »
Aw that sucks.  He was a great guy.  I wondered why I hadn't heard from him in a while. 

Build Threads / Re: Colt attempts to LS swap 2 FDs
« on: March 15, 2017, 08:43:04 AM »
I'll be into the blue car at least 50k when all is said and done

50k it better put down some 4 digit dyno numbers 

what turbo are you running

Pics and Videos / Re: Throwback Thursday - Seven Not Stock - 2009
« on: March 02, 2017, 07:06:37 PM »
One of the best ones i attended. 

The Lounge / Re: Barn find RX7s
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:26:56 PM »
Fbs do have a drain for the tank at least my 85 does.  Would love to see pics, how are the interiors

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Interiors are like new.  I will get pic when I have them at my house. 

Ok I saw them tonight.  79 has 26k original its like new everywhere been sitting in a finished heated basement for 15 yrs.  Its black with mesh wheels.  Dont know the model I was kinda to excited to look.  She then took me up stairs to the Garage where her sons car was.  He got it new on his 16th bday in 1986.  Its only got 9300 miles on it.  It this slate blue color and just as nice.  I was kinda aw struck by how nice they were.  Now to get them on the road again.

It's always cool to see stuff that's been preserved like that.

A friend used to own what was likely the most original and perfect 1968 Shelby GT500KR Fastback in existence.
He bought it in 1979 for around $8,500, and people thought he was crazy for buying a "gas hog" during the OPEC oil embargo.   :poke:
When he finally sold it around 1999 or 2000 it had around 8,200 miles, and was still on the original tires.  Literally the only things not original were the battery and oil filter.  If he'd kept it just a few more years he could've gotten another $150,000+ for it.   :banghead:

I figure 150k would be on the low side for that car.  Ill post up some pics of them when I start working on them.  Last night was just a stop by to see if I was interested in taking on the project.  I believe the blue one will be first just because its easy access.  I hope FBs have a drain in the gas tank it will make this so much easier.

I said he could have gotten ANOTHER $150K for it.   :poke:

Oh I misread that. 

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