Time to return and report. Yesterday I bought an '04 Forester XT, automatic with 140K miles. Great little car! It's the fastest "210hp" car I've ever driven in. First thing to do is install a boost gauge then take it to the local 1/8 mile track for some baseline runs

I'm excited a was able to sell my wife's car and grab this before our baby has come; I will now be able to carry on the proud tradition my father established with me of hitting triple digit speeds on the ride home from the hospital with the new born. For me it was in Holland on their autobahn in a 1983 turbo volvo wagon (I drove that same car to high school beating up on all the honda civics). Now with my daughter I should be able to hit 100 fairly easily before my wife notices what I'm up to

Then I'll have to see if I can make the subbie last 16 more years.