« on: December 27, 2018, 05:48:40 PM »
Lots of good advice here, I have something close to what you're looking for in that it's an FD with stock LS1 (well, LS6 intake and longtube headers) without the big power of many of the builds. I love my car and would never sell it, and I don't regret doing the swap at all. However, had I known what I was getting into when I started I likely would not have taken on this build.
It's not just that it's a lot of work, the whole thing is a huge learning experience and there is tons of problem solving at every step. Every single system on my swap that I'm happy with has been redone at least once. I still don't have AC. I daily drove my swap car for over a month last summer while having the engine rebuilt in my daily driver and it was very reliable. But these are old cars and I constantly find myself having to fix various Mazda things large and small that break because it's a 25 year old car. It's a labor of love, so realize what you're getting yourself into. Heads and cam are definitely in my future, likely along with a Ronin Explorer 8.8 rear end, when I can stand to be without my toy for a while while I re-do things I've already re-done, again...