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Messages - Born-again 7

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Tech / Re: Mishimoto radiator leaking from cap
« on: September 25, 2016, 04:40:39 PM »
It looks the cap mating surface is slightly distorted, probably from the welding. I just got a phone call from Justin, he's ready to make another batch of radiators. Im just going to wait for Justin's new one to arrive. Thanks for all your help

General Tech / Re: Mishimoto radiator leaking from cap
« on: September 22, 2016, 11:15:33 PM »
I will try the Stant radiator cap. Thanks for the suggestion. ...It sounds like a lot of people are having issues with their mishimoto radiators. maybe we need to jump on Samburgs radiator group buy.

General Tech / Mishimoto radiator leaking from cap
« on: September 22, 2016, 03:44:41 PM »
I need help with my Mishimoto radiator, I hit a tire on the freeway, damaging my old Hinson radiator. So i called on AAA to repair the car. I tried to get a new radiator from Hinson and Samburg, but had no luck. So i got stuck purchasing the Mishimoto radiator. It looks nice and fits well, but it leaks from the radiator cap. The cap on the AST tank is the highest point of the cooling system and seals fine. I have a 20lb radiator cap on the radiator and a 12lb on the AST.

The lower cap on the radiator leaks bad, despite its high 20lb rating. I tried two different high pressure caps on the radiator and they both leaked. My question to you is: does someone sell a radiator cap that does not vent off pressure? Im trying to avoid pulling off my radiator and having the filler neck welded up.

Parts for Sale / Re: Y pipes for FD3s + Manifolds
« on: February 10, 2013, 10:39:50 AM »
What size is the pipe? Is your car a manual t56? How much to ship it too 92109?

Parts for Sale / Re: Y pipes for FD3s + Manifolds
« on: February 09, 2013, 03:36:41 PM »
What mounting equipment will this fit? Grannys, Hinson, or Samberg. Do you have a photo of this exhaust on the car?

General Tech / Re: A few General questions 93 FD
« on: December 17, 2012, 02:43:32 PM »
  • ABS.. My ABS pump seems to always be going and i can feel it through the pedal. Its quite irritating and seems to be leaking ever so slightly. Should i replace it? Is it easy to do? OR should i just delete the abs.

This happened to myself a few times. On the ABS pump itself there is a little black box, in the box is a relay and a fuse. The relay is there to open and close the current to the abs pump. On my car the high current demand form the big electric motor welded the the relay contacts together leaving it continuously closed. the first few times it happened i could just hammer an the relay and the condition resolved itself. I eventually changed out the relay because it kept getting stuck on.

As for deleting the abs because of the leak, i would try fixing it first. I rarely miss the abs on the street but i use it a lot autocrossing. good luck

Parts for Sale / Re: JTR Longtubes, stock ls2 cam
« on: August 24, 2012, 07:46:16 AM »
ls2 compressor sold

I need a set, but my car is low, do you have a photo of how much ground clearance the header allows?

General Tech / Re: California sucks
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:29:50 PM »
What car and year did your engine come out of? I bought my cats used off of some guy from texas for $50.00 each, its not legal but they work fine. Ive been passing smog since 2004. The most difficult part of the swap will be the exhaust and evaportive emmisions. You might want to make sure the state referees are still around. A couple years ago the reff had closed because of budget restraints, im not sure if they ever reopened.

General Tech / Re: Jtr header clearance?
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:38:57 AM »
I have a lowered fd and have wanted to get a pair of jtr headers. Can anyone tell me how much lower than the chassis headers hang? Or a photo of the ground clearance will help. Thanks

General Tech / Re: CT Emissions - Their comp wont pass or fail me!!!
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:43:07 PM »
My guess would be your adl port is hooked up incorrectly. once they hook up the smog machine to your car a read out of all the information stored in your ls1 computer should come up on their computer. In CA when we get hooked up to the smog machine, information (from the doner vehicle) such as engine size, make and model, history of check engine light codes, and the vin show up on their smog computer. Theirs something like five wires going to the adl port, if any one of these is incorrectly wired no information from your car will be transfered to their computer. Good luck, emissions testing sucks


General Tech / Re: swapping an auto FD?
« on: May 29, 2011, 04:27:00 PM »
Dont share your brake and clutch fluid. My conversions been on the road since 2004. I noticed the clutch fluid get very dirty in very little time. Im not sure whats contaminating the oil, but i wouldnt want that shit going through my abs pump.

Electronics / Re: FD Fuel pump problem, potential fire hazard
« on: May 15, 2011, 06:09:31 PM »
This guy came up with a better solution.

Electronics / Re: FD Fuel pump problem, potential fire hazzard
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:34:24 PM »
I finished my conversion in 2004 way before Dan wrote DIY FD harness for dummies.

Dan's instructions uses the same factory Mazda conections i used for the fuel pump.
Maybe we should let the moderator know of this, so others dont have the same problem I did.   

Electronics / FD Fuel pump problem, potential fire hazard
« on: May 14, 2011, 02:14:24 AM »
This is important for all you FD owners with a large after market fuel pump. I found a potentially hazardous weak link in the factory Mazda fuel pump wiring.The blue plug in the first picture is soldered to the wires coming from your fuel pump. The blue plug sits inside your gas tank and is plugged into the white plastic connector on the underside of your fuel pump assembly. I'm assuming the extra amp's drawn by the large fuel pump caused the blue plug to melt internally. When the blue plug was inside the white female connector you couldn't tell anything was wrong. It was only when I removed the blue plug from the connector, did I see that it was all burnt up. The only indication that I had a problem was a slight miss at wide open throttle. My solution to the problem was to cut away some of the white female connector and soldered the fuel pump wires directly to it.

Parts for Sale / Re: FS- FD Hinson cold air intake, and torque arm
« on: April 28, 2011, 02:32:41 PM »
Intake is sold. the torque arm is still for sale

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