« on: October 07, 2021, 01:09:29 AM »
Im in the middle of swapping an ecoboost 4 cylinder (its basically a Mazda L engine with a ford head) into a 2010 Rx8. My Rx8 was originally auto and Im stumped on how to get the reverse lights working since Ive removed the auto trans transmission/range switch/etc in favor of a manual (rx8 trans with a bellhousing adapter I designed). On the rx8 the transmission wiring is a part of the engine harness, which I obviously wont have.
Id imagine someone here has swapped a manual into an auto FD so its a good enough place for me to start as any.
surely the reverse lights arent PCM controlled somehow (will not be using the rx8 PCM - I have a canbus convertor cooked up).
I feel like I'm over thinking this and it's probably some simple way. Any input would be greatly appreciated.