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Messages - SpunRX5.7

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Events / Re: 2012 Pacific NW V8RX7 "Meet & Compete"
« on: May 15, 2012, 10:33:38 PM »
Anything new yet? summers a comin  :)

Pics and Videos / Re: Westcoast LS1 FD
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:06:49 AM »
Sweet fd! That shall be my bext build... New m3's though run a 12.6-12.7 with something like 412hp. I thought I had one pretty good the other night at the drag strip, ended up being a 335I 300hp. Cool guys, his buddy had the m3. Keep up the good work!

Events / Re: 2012 Pacific NW V8RX7 "Meet & Compete"
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:57:39 AM »
I missed last years by 2 weeks :( unfortunately with cost and wife, I won't be able to make bremerton/shelton. I'll keep an eye on this thread being the locations not in stone. Something like last year with multiple events sounds legit :) when I go to p.i.r and ppl see my car, they still talk about the "v8 rx7 club that was here last summer"  :cheers:

Dream come true! To bad if couldn't possibly be any further away :( <~sad panda from Portland, Or.

The Lounge / Re: Rotards at their finest
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:29:28 AM »
This is simply a case of "to each, their own".   There are purists and there are hot rodders,  some who have a substantial disposable income and some who don't.  Some are real car guys, some are tools.

I did my swap because I don't have disposable income  :D

The Lounge / Re: Rotards at their finest
« on: February 24, 2012, 08:34:08 PM »
I've noticed that 99/100 "Rotard" Nazi purest fanboys that give me shit all own n/a's. Reliable, easy to maintain, fair on gas, gutless n/a's. The cool rotary guys own the turbos. Most are on there 2nd-6th rebuild and usally say, "oh I can see why somebody would do that". And most have considered it. It drives me insane.

I was at a meet, happy ppl looking at my car asking questions, and a guy came over. Had a look of discuss and said "ohh wow, look a v8 swap". I said "you must drive a rotary"... He drove an s5 vert, bone stock with an auto. I told him to go play with a turbo rotary then come talk to me.

Pics and Videos / Re: Pics of FC with red ls1 covers please
« on: January 09, 2012, 10:01:28 PM »
Little late, but here's mine  :)

General Tech / Re: LS1 camaro oil pan - filter thread difference?
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:43:28 PM »
 I had the same problem, I bought a f-body pan from ebay, it was brand new with gasket, bolts ect... I finally found that a 2006 corvette 7.0L was an exact match, same dimensions as the 98-02 camaro filter, just slightly different threads to fit my new ls1 camaro pan.

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / help with brakes ls1 fc
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:01:29 PM »
Everything brake related is factory. 86 gxl 4pot. I noticed yesterday it seemed I had to push a lot further on the pedal to get brake response. It was late and dark so I waited until this morning to check it out. The mc was close to empty. I topped it off a month or two ago just for the hell of it while doing an oil change, so I know it WAS full. I took all the wheels off and inspected the lines/bleeders. Everything is dry. I searched the "club" and here, read something about the fluid can leak out the back of the mc into the booster? The strange thing is the brakes seemed fine when I parked it, then bad after sitting.  Brakes still work but they slowly fade and I have to keep applying pressure to stop at the same rate. How can I tell if the mc has a leak?

Thought I ask if anyone has been through this or if this is a common fc poblem and I overlooked something.

Anyways, thanks for the help  :)

General Tech / Re: What's your times? 0-60 0-100 1/8 1/4
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:24:55 AM »
My times the right lane, first 12sec pass that night, had to show the turbo Sylvia what's up.

86 gxl
Stock 99 ls1 dyno'd 325whp 336wtq
M12 t-56
255/40/17 proxes4 with 20% tread

Hope to scavenger a TII diff before spring and some slicks, see what she can really do. Bad wheel hop through the top of 3rd

The Lounge / Re: The Official XBOX/PS3 Gamertag Thread
« on: November 12, 2011, 12:46:01 AM »

Psn: ls1powered_rx-7

Gta4, black ops, mw3 and as soon as they release grand theft auto 5 hopefully this summer, that's all I'll play!!

General Tech / Re: Racing beat mufflers
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:31:09 AM »
Not sure for the n/a mufflers but I have the turbo ss racingbeat mufflers on my fc with 2 1/4 from stock exhast manifolds. Very very quiet, not sure what they sound like wot from outside the car but all I ever hear is the intake roar from the engine. Seem to flow good too, dyno'd 325whp 336wtq through them [attachimg=1]on my bone stock ls1

Pics and Videos / My 7 dyno video fc3s
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:14:35 AM »
This was at the Mazda end of summer bash in vancover WA. on an English racing dyno. Sorry for the horrible audio, the car was running mostly open exhaust, too loud for my Android to record. GoPro hero is on my Christmas list  :D

99 ls1 (vette)
Zo6 m12 t56

Bone stock everything down to the stock exhaust manifolds.


If the pic is clear enough there are all 3 pulls on the graph, very consistent. I love lsx motors  :)

Events / Re: 9/24/11 Vancouver, WA Corksport End of Summer Bash
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:55:35 AM »
They were having trouble with the torque calibration for the second half of the cars dyno'd. I managed a 325whp and 336wtq. I would like to put down 430-450whp, just not sure the best (cheapest) route to get there :) 

93silverbullet, you have by far the cleanest fd i have ever seen, rotory or not! Props to you  :cheers:

Drag Racing / Re: My first time ever to the tree
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:43:09 PM »
good job man! with some wheelhop i did the same exact time this last weekend pretty much, lol!
any video?

Thanks!   I had really bad wheel hop too, couldn't even try to heat the tires. I think with slicks, we'd make a high 11sec pass. No video  ::) none of my peeps showed up with cameras

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