« on: October 20, 2017, 03:09:51 PM »
Questions, questions. Why does this not sell?
I keep looking at this. I drive a salvage '08 350Z as my warm weather daily. Salvage is fine. I don't do my own wrenching so I'm a little less tuned in to the subtleties of fixing the two leaks mentioned on the first page and I assume a rear main seal's a pull-the-engine fix. I also am unaware of parts availability for a '93. Parts issues scare me but maybe parts are more accessible than I fear.
And I'm 66 and I like my comforts, and I drive way more miles than most folks, so lack of cruise and AC would be show stoppers, but I assume they can be installed.
I'm also concerned about how little the car's been driven. I bought my Z three or four months ago and have put 11,000 +/- miles on it so far. So this RX7, from my perspective, is unused and that feel's like a warning sign. But there may be good reason for very small usage.
The car is lovely, and the price, obviously, is in the zone.
I have no desire to buy a car and park it. If it cannot daily, I'm uninterested. My question is - is this a daily?
I'm in NH. If it passes muster on the questions I have mentioned above, (and I'd love to hear anyone with answers), and if my own long term trusted shop in Concord NH can look it over and check that body / alignment and general condition are good, then I'm seriously interested.