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Messages - Amuse

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Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: January 16, 2023, 07:20:56 PM »
It's running good. Just loud, I need to add a cat and then redo the piping. Other than that it's perfect. Just oil changes and enjoy it.

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: December 23, 2022, 03:30:23 AM »
Continuation of 12/23/2022

Added JRZ Suspension with AP Racing 5000r Calipers

Added TE37

Oil changed every 3000 miles

Current ODO: 6750

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: December 23, 2022, 03:18:43 AM »

Some mods since the last exhaust update.

Added new hood

Added new roll bar:

Added Recaro Jersey Red. Also added NDF Steering wheel with Works Bell hub and Boss:

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: July 14, 2020, 12:11:35 PM »
Edit: Norotors keeps giving an error to do inline pictures. But I'll post them at the bottom.

In the spirit of keeping this car up to date and tracked. Here are some recent updates.

Oil changed at: Odometer 4000

I've been chasing down fumes getting into the cabin. I decided I wanted to get a new exhaust built. I ordered a new Reinhard muffler section from Japan. While I waited for the muffler to be made and sent to the US. I had a rollbar built.

Exhaust muffler took 2 months to make and then sent to the US. Had the fabricator finish the exhaust afterwords.

Parts for Sale / Re: True duals by Kevin Doe for Spoolin headers FD
« on: March 05, 2020, 12:46:40 PM »
Up for lower price.

Parts for Sale / Re: True duals by Kevin Doe for Spoolin headers FD
« on: February 25, 2020, 06:10:31 PM »
The are true 3" All the way back. Yeah it was welded by a hobbist from what was posted. They work perfectly fine lol.

Parts for Sale / True duals by Kevin Doe for Spoolin headers FD
« on: February 03, 2020, 09:04:54 PM »
True duals for spoolin headers for the FD.

Kevin doe made the exhaust which went to halfspec and then ended up on this car. Now is your chance to own a piece of history.

Located in the bay area.
Shipping available. You just need to pay FedEx lol.

Sounds like:


Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: January 14, 2020, 09:21:56 PM »
Where did you find a FD power rack?  :scratch:

Random russian guy on Craigslist lol.

IF you want to, new lifters would be pretty cheap and good insurance

I may need to pull the heads to find out this ticking noise. I am going to try to seafoam it to see if its a sticking lifter.

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: January 07, 2020, 05:29:48 PM »
Back with another update: Added power steering to this beast so it doesn't feel heavy anymore. I also added the newer style bumper steer kit that fixed sambergs problems. Also got the car realigned with everything done. We also took off the valve cover for the left side head. There is a ticking under there but not the right side. There doesn't seem to be any premature wear on the rockers or anything. The sound comes and goes. Maybe time to seafoam it to see if its a sticking lifter. Car drives fine but, it is something and is not normal.


Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: October 07, 2019, 01:38:10 AM »
I found out my exhaust issue. The piping is pretty thin on certain points of the bends. I'm going to rebuild the whole mid pipe to fit FD exhausts. That or I'll just rebuild the midpipe in new piping. I haven't decided yet. I only get exhaust gases in the car when I come to a stop which I think is normal lol. No more leaking when driving though.


Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: October 03, 2019, 03:53:05 PM »
Well that should cause much less unplanned drama.

Yeah, something so simple caused soo much worries. Now, I just have to fix the steering issue, bump steer, power steering, exhaust into the cabin and I should be home free lol.

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: October 02, 2019, 08:05:52 PM »
I had the line redone. The exhaust is on the list next. The whole thing seems it should be redone. There are small leaks here and there. I've fixed what I could.


Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:12:35 PM »
Back with a new update after driving the car a bit more. I've been having issues with exhaust fumes getting into the cabin even with the windows up. Usually exhaust smells are from what I would assume is the exhaust or headers. There was exhaust wrap around the exhaust itself and I finally got a chance to put the car on a lift.

We noticed some black soot around the white areas of the exhaust wrap and we figured we should take most of the wrap off to see if there is a crack or pin sized hole. And voila, there are black rings on the white exhaust wrap from what seems like a crack all the way around. I'm assuming this is what is leaking into the cabin since its directly right under it. I noticed also some black pin hole spots. I might get the whole exhaust rewelded.


I also have been encountering a new problem that could be very bad. I was doing some hard mountain driving and came to a left hand sweeper that went downhill which put a ton of load onto the car. The wheel seem to hit something and would not allow anymore angle to turn. I stopped doing mountain driving with this car instantly.

We found out that the inner wheel is rubbing on the lower control arm. I'm not sure if this issue is there with the stock power steering rack but, I have a chips manual converted rack. It seems that the tie rods are too long and it allows some drifter angles that allows the wheel to rub. Even with 10mm spacers, it'll still rub. We took the wheel completely off and turned it all the way, it leaves maybe 1/4" from caliper to lower control arm lol. So, no way to even fit a wheel with 50mm spacers. I'm planning to put power steering back into the car with the stock power steering rack and bumpsteer kit with a correct alignment. Just small issues with a modified car.


Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: September 05, 2019, 04:47:35 PM »
If I recall correctly, I bent the stock bracket up to get the line as far away from the axle as possible.  I did however replace the passenger side with a new line so that might have helped get me more room.   

Not the best picture but this is mine:

picture not loading.

Build Threads / Re: Continuation of the 94 MB with a 416 ls3
« on: September 05, 2019, 12:44:13 PM »
The hardline is stock routed, the boot is what got into contact with it. So, if your boot is clamped down really good, it shouldn't compress enough to expand and hit the line.

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