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Messages - RedSnakeFD

Pages: [1] 2 3
Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: May 01, 2017, 09:21:58 PM »
Damn, that's a bummer.
Life happends!

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: May 01, 2017, 09:20:43 PM »
Man that car was pretty cherry looking when you cleaned it up before sale though. I regret not making trying to buy it. Jelly of your new project though.

Yours is really coming together! I'm looking forward to seeing it at some shows in the near future!
And I like the new project but i'm not really as into it like I was the FD.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: May 01, 2017, 09:11:26 PM »
That really sucks man.... sad to hear.

Yeah, I got my dream car, and lost it in a year! The house sucked too.  :-[
I'll have another one day, probably going to buy it already complete or almost complete. 

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:02:35 PM »
Not that anyone was really following it anyway but here's an update!
Back in August of last year, my house flooded, we got about 4 feet, and the RX-7 went under with it.
I was worried about how it would effect the car so I got cold feet sold it for 6 with all of the swap pieces I got.
I kept the motor which was ruined by the flood in the end anyway.

New Members/Introductions / Re: New guy from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
« on: April 24, 2016, 02:01:35 AM »
I said Baton Rouge because it's recognizable and very close. I'm also in Denham Springs! Small world.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 12, 2016, 01:58:02 AM »
The seats took me an afternoon to do. I kind of took my time because I was watching college basketball at the same time. It wasn't very hard and lot easier than other seats I've recovered.

I might have to give that a shot.
I'd just hate to spend all of that money and butcher it. A reupholdstry shop quoted me $900 for them.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 12, 2016, 01:56:43 AM »
$2k! Fuuuccccc

I need a deal like that.

You just have to find someone that has no idea how much the car really goes for haha.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:32:36 PM »
Wow $2k is a steal. The rust spot in your engine bay was probably due to a leaky battery at one point in time. It sits right above it. You may want to consider a matte black engine bay if you want to hid imperfections better. Gloss black will show everything. I have some pics in my thread if you want to see what it would look like.

Yeah, i'm pretty satisfied with what I paid. Which I usually can't say when I purchase vehicles...
And, i'd be willing to bet you're correct about that battery being leaky as that's really the only spot where it's very apparent. It sanded right off though, nothing structural. Just looked over your build, those seats came out really good! How hard of a job was that? Mine are shot.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 06, 2016, 06:54:07 PM »
I spent this past weekend sanding down the bay and painting it. The ole back yard special. I went with a color a friend of mine had laying around, Granada Black Pearl. It's a color that a few hondas came in in the 90s.

I removed my fenders, and bumper and taped a bit than proceded to shoot the primer.

Then we sprayed a few layers of black. The pictures are the next day after it dried.
It really didn't come out as good as I had hoped. And the only one to blame is me! I didn't clean the surface thoroughly enough in some spots.
Next weekend we'll be sanding it down a bit and respraying the black.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:21:00 PM »
In other news!
If you're one of the few that read my original post before, you'll notice i'm no longer going the 6.0L Vortec route.
I found a 1999 LS1 5.7 for sale local that has been rebuilt and hasn't been driven on yet. The guy was sitting on it for a while but opted for an LS2 instead. However I still need a 4L60e to mate to it.

I also traded in my 2011 Civic Si for a 2008 GMC Sierra. That way I can haul things without having to ask friends.

This 98 LS1 Fbody harness and ecu popped up for sale right after I bought my motor.
Supposedly it had been sent to Hinson to rework. We'll see if this is a good thing or a bad thing..
It came with a binder showing you how to mate certian things etc etc. Also all of the wiring is labeled by the guy who had it last.
I found this setup for $300 shipped. The checklist is coming together!

And now i'm back to a standstill. My work let me know last week that i'll have a turnaround soon so i'll be lucky to get the engine bay painted before this starts. But that's how life goes I guess! Gotta work to play?

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:03:21 PM »
So, i've had more time to mess with it as works been slow. I used this past weekend to pull most everything out of the engine bay, and clean it up a bit. It's really rough in there so i'm going to send it down and spray it black.

Can you say grease? I also had a chance to thoroughly clean a rust spot that I found after pulling the motor and from what I can tell it's only surface thankfully. You can see it at the bottom right of the next picture.

Here's a shot of the bay cleaned up and ready for sanding.  :cheers:
The light brown spots are spots where paint has faded or come off somehow.

Build Threads / Re: CZeroMedia's LS6 Wide Body Race Car Build
« on: December 06, 2015, 05:02:09 PM »
Subscribing for more!
I'm actually a subscriber to your youtube channel. Had no idea you were over here.

Build Threads / Re: Red's 1993 FD LSx Amateur Build
« on: December 06, 2015, 05:01:12 PM »
I haven't had much time lately to mess with it but to update this a bit, I figured out my hatch issue, and fixed it so now i've got a functioning hatch.

I also installed my HKS Coilovers on the front, and my new rotors. Not much to update on..
But, here's a picture!

Interior/Exterior / Re: carbon fenders and hood
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:59:51 PM »
i don't have any recent pics on this computer, but here's two i had on my phone.

i couldn't give a price until i'm happy with a layup and lots of other things.  i order my resin 4 drums at a time and usually order the carbon at least a 1000 yards at a time.  so i get a decent break on materials. like i said before, the difference will be the fact it's a strong piece and not shit.  the carbon i use has a tensile strength of 714. it's 28.6 ounce. which means it's 4 times thicker then the average visual carbon which is shit.  most guys use polyester resin.  i use a uv stable epoxy and an in mold coating of a 2k uv resistant clear.  only been using this combo for a year and a half and it's held up great on a sample i just leave outside.  sorry i know that didn't answer anyones real questions haha.

Really couldn't say whether or not I'd personally be interested until the final product, but I'm definitely interested to see the final product.
Will the hood be an oem style or will it be some over the top vented hood? I'm only interested in the oem shape. Or maybe an OEM+Cowl look.

Build Threads / Re: Merkur XR4Ti M50 HX35 make believe rally car
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:24:06 AM »
This is awesome.

In for updates.  :popcorn:

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