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Messages - strickrothp

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: 4 channel ABS
« on: January 21, 2022, 12:09:31 AM »
Glad to hear that you're still working on this. Looking forward to whenever you're done with this so I can copy everything. :D

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: 4 channel ABS
« on: October 07, 2021, 05:37:22 AM »
any update on this?

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: 4 channel ABS
« on: June 08, 2021, 03:15:53 AM »

^Fair enough.  I unfortunately (for my wallet) caved and bought a E46 M3 MK60 unit. Good Lord, these things got out of control expensive. It seems pretty much impossible to get one under $1000, particularly in the range that 3DM Motorsports recommends in there FAQ and unit ID guide. I saw one for $550, but it was from an '01. I have no idea whether, or not it needs the precharge pump. Also, maybe someone will have better luck with sourcing a unit from 3DM themselves. I was told they had none on hand with no visibility on when that could, or would change. If the AP1 units stay cheap enough, maybe I'll get one and do a back to back test. No promises, though.

Couldn't you have bought a regular E46 abs module and paid 3DM to reprogram it for you?

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: 4 channel ABS
« on: February 17, 2021, 03:45:54 PM »
Looking forward to seeing how everything turns out. If you do bend brake lines for people that want to copy you, I'd like to be on that list.
You mentioned that you may have to do away with your traction control. I was looking into for a traction control unit. The have been used in multiple E46s. It may not be ideal buying and installing a new system, but you'd be able to use only one set of wheel sensors.

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: 4 channel ABS
« on: February 15, 2021, 05:15:24 AM »
any update on this?

Ronin Speedworks / Re: FD Radiator/Intake Combo - RONIN's design
« on: February 15, 2021, 04:45:43 AM »
I guess I'm in the minority. I like option 2 for the filter

Came across this thread on rx7club and thought I'd copy and paste it here. It'd be an interesting option to have if they can find a test car, to make an EPA steering kit

1st off I am not affiliated with this company, Just a curious customer who reached out is all!

I've been throwing around the idea of converting my car over to an electric style power steering. Ive seen some write ups, but came across the guys over at They have a kit that installs into the Miata for k swapped or other swapped engines. I was gonna buy the kit and retrofit it into the fd. Before I did that, I reached out to the owner of the company and he was intrigued with the FD and decided to order a steering column for the fd before we even spoke! Now if I lived in the area I would be signing up this minute as the 1st guy to have him build the jig for. Instead I am offering it to a lucky individual here on the forum that would be willing to work with Kim at to build a kit for our cars! He would need your car for a week at most and the lucky person that takes it on will receive the kit free of charge! Vehicle needs to have a manual or depowered rack for this to happen. He would then put the kit into production for our vehicles! Reach out to kim 858.774.4610 or 1st come 1st served.

General Tech / Re: Power Steering Round 999
« on: September 03, 2020, 09:25:58 PM »
Here's a list of parts I used when I built my power steering lines. Turn one also sells a 6AN adaptor for the reservoir. Hope this helps

Electronics / Connector between firewall and glovebox/ dash. Help
« on: June 06, 2020, 02:07:34 AM »
I bought my car already swapped and was working around my passenger footwell area and accidentally pulled this purple wire and yellow wire out from this connector. Would anyone know which wire goes where and what they might be for?
I ran out of daylight and couldn't really troubleshoot what problem i may have caused.

Edit: NVM. After doing some research I believe this is the X-14 connector and the wires are for the coolant temp and vehicle speed sensor.

Drivetrain / Re: Help identifying line/hose near air intake
« on: July 18, 2018, 08:18:21 PM »
Thanks. Appreciate the input guys. Going to order some vacuum caps now

Drivetrain / Help identifying line/hose near air intake
« on: July 15, 2018, 01:16:55 AM »
I'm having some issues with an unsual high rpm and engine occasionally dies going from freeway speed and shifting into neutral.
I took a look under the hood today and saw that there was a line missing near the front of the air intake. Can anyone help me identify what it is and where do I route it?

I saw you driving on milpitas blvd not long ago. Looks awesome

Cars for sale / Re: Looking to buy a 93+ Ls swapped Rx-7-35k budget
« on: May 24, 2018, 10:38:35 PM »
That's one beautiful FD  up there, Ron

Electronics / Re: Coolant light/buzzer
« on: November 25, 2017, 01:14:41 PM »
I had a friend take a look at my car and he eventually found the wire to ground.

While he was looking over the car,  I did a little more searching; looking over the grannys site, the service manual and half spec's harness thread. You can locate the coolant sensor wire on the x-12 connector near driver side shock tower. Adding pics for a visual representation. Just throwing this out here just in case someone runs into this problem into the future and can't easily locate the wire.


Electronics / Coolant light/buzzer
« on: November 21, 2017, 09:13:40 PM »
My coolant light and buzzer have come on. After doing some research, I've read to get rid of this is to ground the brown coolant sensor wire.

The issue I'm having is that I'm not sure where it's located. The link in the diy fd harness thread in the how to section is dead and I can't find any pictures to help me locate where it is. Any kind of help would be appreciated

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