« on: October 04, 2022, 06:01:58 PM »
I am trying to follow Lane's LS1 AC wiring diagram, but I am having issues with the G-08 connector interceptor. Based on the instructions the G-08 interceptor will allow me to grab a ground when the AC button is pushed. I am not sure if I am at the wrong connector or if my 1993 R1 is wired differently. I have Violet, Violet/Pink, Blue/Yellow, White on the Female side of the connector, but only 2 wires lead up to the ac thermoswitch, Green/black and Green/red. The other two pins are just a loop white wire.
Based on the interceptor diagram I should be able to grab ground from Violet which turns into Green/Black on the male side of my connector, but I cannot find any grounds on this connector when the button is on or off. The button seems to function properly, light comes on when pushed and fan is blowing. I replaced blower resistor just in case but still no ground. When I ground the AC relay manually all seems to work fine. Any suggestions here, is the connector I have below not g-08?