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Messages - coltboostin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 34
Parts for Sale / Re: FS- TII Rear, Axles, and NA LSD Rear- T56 D shaft....
« on: December 16, 2020, 09:02:56 AM »
Have Tii axles left......LMK yall :)

Cars for sale / Re: Quick Sale / Great Deal: 1987 Built Turbo LT1 RX7
« on: February 11, 2020, 09:56:19 PM »

Parts for Sale / Re: 2 T56s for sale
« on: April 27, 2017, 05:22:39 PM »

Parts for Sale / 2 T56s for sale
« on: April 21, 2017, 02:48:56 PM »
1) Lt1 T56. Complete. Pulled from running stock Camaro. 88k miles on car.


2) Ls6 Cts V T-56. Complete sans Bell. Purchased form LkQ- 55k stock car


Take both for $2500.  Located  44011

LMK-  email fro faster response at


Down to one TII rear end.

NA LSD is pending

Everything else sold

Real deal JDM set up for your FC Rx7.  You will never have a better ride with a lowered car than this.  Great condition was pulled off a parts car what was a show pony.  Very low miles. 

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Re: (safe) timing #'s with different fuels
« on: March 05, 2017, 01:14:56 AM »
OP so what did you end up making?  :popcorn:

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Re: (safe) timing #'s with different fuels
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:43:49 AM »
What plugs were you running? I had BR7ef's in there gapped at .028" and it was not happy under a lot of load. Thinking they are too cold. 2nd gear pulls at 6 psi were fine but when in 3rd (th400) it would hesitate so badly i would have to abort the pull- wouldnt go past 3,800. Afrs were 11.5, 14# of timing, 6# of boost and holding . I picked up some TR6's that im going to gap down to .025" to see if that helps. Wonder if I'm fighting the 110 octane fuel?

EDIT: I'm also going to try increasing the dwell to 3.5ms and see what that does (up from 3 - LS2 coils).
I was on 7's.  Same set of plugs for a whole season

Yes on baby boost stick with a 6.  I would not go 7's unless you are consistently above 14psi.  Gap .22-24

I ran 15 degrees once boost came on for years, then tried to bump it up more for the GA 1/2 mile to 17 and melted number 7... That was on 93 and around 9:1 compression.  I usually shot for 11.8 AFR but errored to the low vs the high.

On a 1/2 mile pull with 15psi Im shocked you were dicking around with pump gas.  Everythings gets so damn hot on a pull like that-you want the coolest cylinder possible.  I am 100% sure you would have been fine on better gas.

Forced Induction/Nitrous / Re: (safe) timing #'s with different fuels
« on: February 24, 2017, 11:04:18 PM »

Bone stock Ls1, down to the cam!

This was on 23-24 psi.  Cam2 110 out of a pump down the street.  17 deg up top.  Took 2 seasons and a few accidentally 30psi pulls to bend a rod.

Parts for Sale / Re: FS- TII Rear, Axles, and NA LSD Rear- T56 D shaft....
« on: February 16, 2017, 02:28:27 PM »
D shaft SOLD.

All other items have been tire kicked, but they are still here.

2 Tii Rear Ends
1 Tii D shfat

1 NA LSD Rear+2 good shafts

Parts for Sale / Re: FS- TII Rear, Axles, and NA LSD Rear- T56 D shaft....
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:29:28 AM »
Bump.  D shaft pending

The Lounge / Re: Any Gym rats here??
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:14:56 AM »
Gym rat here but out of CT. Also own a supp company.

Let me know if you want anything

I knew I liked you  :)   I'd love to try whatever you have for a Chocolate Protein, PreWorkout and amino complex.

Was a 10 letter man in HighSchool and played baseball in College, never stopped really.

Currently 5-9.  170.  Bench 225x8 (best 225x13 1RM 325) Squat 315x6  Dead 445 off the ground.   I have never "geared" up in my life.

I still play B ball twice a week, an with work/kids I only get to lift 3 times a week so I have been switching things around to at minimum maintain with all this down time.

A full custom made SS Exhaust all tig and installed for $600, I would not complain if it was not back purged. 

Compare it to this which is not custom at all.

Parts for Sale / Re: NEW cnc'd Ls2 heads FS ready to drop in
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:47:32 AM »
There are about $1100 new EACH side!

For whatever reason I cant find them on SD site, but these guys actively list them-

For $1100 EACH.  Maybe I should ask more?!  LOL

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