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Messages - MXJS

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Parts for Sale / Re: Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 09, 2014, 12:52:08 PM »
Ronin kit sold. Thanks

Parts for Sale / Re: Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:14:07 PM »
I got it boxed up and weighed to get shipping quotes.  It's $30 to $50 for most places that I have checked.  I am slightly negotiable on price. 

Parts for Sale / Re: Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:52:22 PM »
I think i have replied to all PMs.

Parts for Sale / Re: Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:08:45 AM »
Headers are sold.

Parts for Sale / Re: Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:35:08 AM »
Added headers

Parts for Sale / Ronin FC 8.8 IRS mounting kit/ LSx FC headers
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:55:02 PM »
I have a brand new never installed kit.  I have lost interest in my car and need some cash.

I'm asking $1000 plus shipping.

Also have some MAC headers that I modified to fit the FC with automatic transmission (had a powerglide and TH350).  I picked up 70 whp with these and a 231/234 cam so they flow great.  They have Vbands welded on the ends.

Asking $250 plus shipping.  Also can add high flow cats with vbands for $100 obo.

Drag Racing / Re: Top 50 Quickest Piston Powered RX7 List - 2012 & All Time
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:29:39 PM »
I finally set a new PB.  LQ4 w/ LS2 heads, 225/225 cam, LS6 manifold, ebay GT45 11 PSI, powerglide, TII rear end, 5500 DA
Rear facing video


He was just really slow off the line. I wish we would have got equal launches because the trap speeds were about the same!

The wastegates are open. No reason to reroute considering the exhaust dumps too.

I made it to the track!  I didn't get to try the trans brake, but still had a good time. Density altitude was just over 6400 ft.
This race was against a 2006 gsxr 1000  8)

If I can finish putting it together tonight, I will be going to the track tomorrow to see what she will do.  But I still have the TII diff in there.

so what are the track goals?!

Immediate goal is to beat my best time of 10.55 and the goal for this year is 10.0.  Maybe squeak a 9.99 once and hope they don't kick me out  :bacon:

Looks great man i wish i had fab skills to build a kit for mine.  Do you possibly have links for the turbo and intercooler you used?

I can post some links later, but just search GT45 on ebay.  I got mine from the seller DNAmotoring.

Just to update everyone now that I've calmed down about the situation.  The trans builders really stepped up and not only rebuilt the trans, but they upgraded a few of the parts at no cost. They are going to help me check the trans pressures before I go race again to make sure all is good. I also sold my FTI SR converter and had Greg from FTI spec out a new SST converter.  Lets just say I am stoked to be racing again!  I haven't even got to turn up the boost yet  :D

Also, Ronin Speed Works sent me some goodies!

Parts WTB / Re: Looking for a TII rear assembly
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:28:18 PM »
I will let you know.  I am doing the Ronin 8.8" IRS, not the Granny's solid axle. 

Where in Utah are you located and what do you have in your FC?

Parts WTB / Re: Looking for a TII rear assembly
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:38:50 AM »
I live in Utah and will have one for sale soon.  But I want to test my Ford 8.8" before letting it go.

Parts for Sale / Re: Holset HX52 turbo
« on: May 03, 2012, 09:45:39 AM »
Is it a T4 flanged turbo?  Can you measure the inducer and exducer of each wheel?

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