Hey guys!
Back in Mid-June, I came home from work and had to let my wife know that my company downsized about 15 employees (of 350) and my best friend was one of them. She was pretty taken aback and I then had to inform her that I was, as well. There were no performance issues, behavior issues or anything, it was just that 15 people needed to go and my name was picked.
Luckily, I had recently applied to a different company and made sure my resume was up to date. So that day (June 15th) I started networking, texting people I had met in the industry, calling places that I had positive interactions with, and so on. The next week I had 10 interviews, 5 on the first day I started interviewing alone. I always knew I had been underpaid at my company and my interviews confirmed it when I said I was making almost 15% more than I actually was and would need at least that to start and people were surprised I was compensated so lightly (Even with the inflated amount!!!)
I ended up getting 2 offers for the higher amount I said I was making and I had a clear front runner but they couldn't offer the benefits I needed for my family and myself, so we turned them down. The next one was decent benefits and had a clear path of growth in a field I wanted to learn. Contrary to my instinct, I wrote a well worded e-mail giving thanks but counter-offering asking for a higher salary. They called me later that day and said "No problem, we'll pay you that easily"
I accepted the official revised offer on July 10, and started on July 21. Not including my separation pay, this at first thought horrid event, turned into a 33% bigger salary for me and I'm learning life underwriting which I've always been interested in! I'm currently studying for my ALU exams for the next few years, but very thrilled with how this turned out.
I will never forget being escorted out of the building holding a box of my belongings, not being allowed to say goodbye to any of my friends that I met over the past (almost 4 years) and hearing the hard *CLINK* of the door locking behind me as I stood alone in a parking garage. I wasn't sure if I would find anything better, but my brother assured me that the right people land in the right places, just keep my chin up and believe. Boom.
That's it.

Hopefully you all are having a great day, and this leaves you with a positive feeling for the weekend.
PS: If you have any questions on life insurance products, underwriting, etc. Feel free to shoot me a PM. I've done life marketing for the past 4 years and now am specializing in underwriting (had a decent basis in pre-underwriting) for a brokerage so I have access to many carriers and can help (or at least get you to someone who can help)