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Messages - Azar

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 85
The Lounge / Re: Screamin88's back with a fun new project!
« on: September 12, 2018, 12:30:08 AM »
When I worked at EPP we did a ton of Procharger installs...well I didn't, I was the phone guy, but we always did them with ATI Super Dampers and they were really, REALLY nice pieces of kit.

The Lounge / Re: A/C Help?
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:14:46 AM »

Thanks for the input my guys.

The Lounge / Re: Screamin88's back with a fun new project!
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:13:29 AM »
Bitch what, that's wild.

Custom brackets I'd guess?

Super rad, sounds great my dude.

The Lounge / Re: Screamin88's back with a fun new project!
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:31:41 PM »
What is going on accessory wise on passenger top? Is that some kind of compressor?

Regardless, hyper jealous.

The Lounge / A/C Help?
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:29:43 PM »
2005 Hyundai Santa Fe - 3.5 V6

Hey guys,

Last  year, my AC compressor died out, so a shop replaced the compressor and everything has been pretty hunky dory since then.

Earlier this year, the vehicle would heat up at stops or stuck in traffic at low speed. Figuring it to be a fan, I tested and found that the A/C radiator fan wouldn't spin up when A/C was turned on. (This has 2 fans, 1 blower at the front that is always pushing air through the condenser and radiator...and 1 driver side that pulls air through the condenser and radiator) When I wiggled the connection, it would turn on, so I repaired the connection and everything worked great! Although the fan ran CONSTANTLY whenever the A/C was on, and it sounds like a small jet taking off. Like, I was pretty sure it only used to spin up when needed back in the day. Anyways...

It has gotten ridiculously hot the past few weeks, my A/C would work fine in the morning. Start working well when I got into my car and when I'm driving down the highway, but when I get into additions and leave my car idling to pick up my kids, the air slowly heats up to the point where it is just pushing hot air into my face. Thinking that the fan failed, that was the first thing I checked, nope, both fans working fine (I can hear the A/C one running when A/C is turned on). I figured it was a clogged condenser or maybe too much pressure in the system causing the compressor to kick off, so I sent it back to the shop today.

On the drive there last night, I had the A/C blowing full blast the entire way with no issue. So far, today has been a bit cooler, about 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The shop has tried to replicate my issue, without success. They've left it idling for a while, the owner drove it home for lunch then drove it back (both times A/C running full blast) and it stayed cold enough to "freeze my face off". The only thing he said he noticed was that the radiator had a small crack and was leaking coolant. It doesn't leak when it's parked, probably only when driven. (These cars have like a metal core and plastic end tanks that crack)  So before he drove it, he added about a gallon of coolant. I had no idea I even had a leak, the temperature gauge has been where it's always been and no overheating or anything.

So the truck is still at the shop, getting it's radiator replaced. But I'm still absolutely miffed that the A/C decided to work, any ideas to try and replicate it without just waiting for a super hot day and taking it by the shop and being like "I SWEAR I'M NOT CRAZY!!"

TL;DR   A/C works sometimes. Always works in the morning and is super cold. Driving around at lunch or in the evening after work it gradually heats up to the point where it's blowing hot air at me. Took it to shop, they found radiator leak, so filled it with about a gallon of coolant and cannot get the A/C to get warm at all. It is 10 degrees F cooler ambient or so. 

1) Will a low coolant cooling system cause the A/C to not work? Like the condenser sits right infront of the radiator, but the temp gauge never moved from where it normally sits, so I don't think it was running any hotter than normal.

2) What could cause a intermittent A/C failure? I was thinking something like a clogged condensor or too much pressure in system causing it to shut down but I honestly am just an idiot with google.

The Lounge / Re: Dumb wiring help
« on: June 08, 2018, 01:39:43 AM »
Thank you my guys for your input and help! I had put the sound deadener in it the other night so tonight was all about wiring. All done and it works exactly how I wanted.

4 inch waterproof speakers up front, right LED is power (turns red when you power on), left LED is bluetooth (flashes when nothing connected, stays solid when connected)

On the panel side there's obviously the USB (1 1a charger, 1 2.1a charger) then the voltmeter, left switch with the red cover is power to the amp, middle top is volume knob, lower mid is aux input, right switch is voltmeter (have a translucent blue cover coming for that one)

The other side there's a dust cover for the charging port, when the top is on and the handle down it's hard to see but accessible for charging without taking the top off. :)

The Lounge / Re: Dumb wiring help
« on: June 07, 2018, 08:07:21 AM »

That looks fine.  :)
Install the fuse between the battery + terminal and the feeds to the switches.

As far as fuse rating, most USB's supply no more than 2.1 amps or so, the voltmeter draws almost nothing, and the amp should have an input rating.
Add these values together, and use a fuse around 1.5 to 2 times that value.

Hope this helps.


Thank you so much, I think that will take care of it. I'll put the fuse inline with the positive before it splits to go to the switches. Thank you again!!!!

The Lounge / Dumb wiring help
« on: June 06, 2018, 05:09:41 PM »
Hey guys,

I know very little about electricity and/or wiring so I'm turning to you guys for a bit of an assist. (I feel like this is the most basic of electrical questions, so I'm really opening myself up for some serious ridicule....of which I'm likely deserving)

I'm working on building a little portable speaker box guy, I've got it all cut and ready for the parts to mount. I've got my battery (This is it, for reference

I've got my amp, and I've got a voltmeter/USB charger and I have 2 SPST switches with 2 contacts.

How the fuck do I wire it up so I can flip a switch to power the amp and then flip another switch to power the voltmeter/charger??

I put it together quickly at work and I thought it was supposed to be a loop, I feel like I'm missing something big.

Like I just have the positive going into the amp...then it stops and out comes the negative. Does the positive need to loop back to the battery? What am I missing...I also have an inline fuse holder so I don't blow up my battery or catch myself on where should I put that?

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm fully open ears. The videos I had watched had 3 contact SPST switches where it was ground, load, and power....which made sense to me, but I got switches that only have 2 contacts. (I was using this for my idea of wiring: )

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask...I was trying to get this done to take on a trip on we'll see!

Other pertinent info: Amp =
I also have female and male power pigtails...

The Lounge / 3DS Modding (Gift idea?)
« on: November 17, 2017, 11:18:47 AM »
Whaddup dudes,

I know Christmas is coming up and some of your kids (or shit, maybe you) want some new 3DS games as a gift or what not.

I can modify any 3ds to run custom firmware, homebrew, custom themes, take screenshots, run emulators...and other piratey stuff. You can still play online with your buds and not get banned and you can go on vacation and not worry about losing your carts! I've also got a small video here if you'd like to see a modded 3ds in action...

It doesn't take long and is relatively fool-proof. You can ship me your 3DS and I'd likely ship it back the next day from receiving it. I utilize the first class flat rate boxes that cost 6.50 or so to mail and they can get pretty much anywhere in the country in 3 days or less. I've done this for a few of my buddies on the facespace, but figured y'all may be interested. I'll set it up to run NES roms, SNES roms (including handpicked roms for both NES and SNES), FreEshop (service that allows you to download games...FO FREE), a theme tool, a save backup tool, and homebrew channel.

Let me know, I'm asking 27 dollars (20 for the service and 7 to ship it back to you). Feel free to PM with any questions or anything.

The Lounge / Re: 3D Printer Build Thread - Any interest?
« on: August 30, 2017, 11:11:51 PM »
Just shot you an e-mail with the 3d printing files, super stoked to see how it all turns out. Thanks again my dude.

The Lounge / Re: 3D Printer Build Thread - Any interest?
« on: August 21, 2017, 04:11:19 PM »
Heck yeah! I wanna see all dem pics!

Also, this is what I'm looking for...let me know what I owe you or whatevers.

The Lounge / Re: Life Lesson: Keep your chin up!
« on: August 21, 2017, 11:24:57 AM »
Congrats on the new job, its all about attitude when life throws you a curveball.  my dad is a CLU and wealth manager at a fee-only firm and loves it.  Do you do just life insurance or other investments as well.  It sounds like the new company should be good, usually when they are willing to match your salary demands and they have a good benefits package it means they take care of their employees.

Thanks! I work at a Brokerage, so we offer life, disability, and LTC insurance along with annuities. I focus on the life side, though. I'm not life and health licensed, so I can't sell it I just help agents sell it. :) Ie: Agent says Person A wants 250k of coverage for X amount, how can we make this happen? I basically work up a proposal giving the person the coverage they desire for the amount they want to spend, or explain why it's not possible. Then with underwriting if someone comes across with an increased mortality risk, I figure the best place to go who would be willing to work with the person to get the best bang for the buck.

Thanks all for the words of encouragement!

Wicked, I just saw your PM and got back to you. Happy to help, just let me know! :D

Sciff, bruh, you go dude. That's exactly it, it's all how you look at it. Honestly, getting downsized was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Haha.

The Lounge / Life Lesson: Keep your chin up!
« on: August 18, 2017, 12:06:40 PM »
Hey guys!

Back in Mid-June, I came home from work and had to let my wife know that my company downsized about 15 employees (of 350) and my best friend was one of them. She was pretty taken aback and I then had to inform her that I was, as well. There were no performance issues, behavior issues or anything, it was just that 15 people needed to go and my name was picked.

Luckily, I had recently applied to a different company and made sure my resume was up to date. So that day (June 15th) I started networking, texting people I had met in the industry, calling places that I had positive interactions with, and so on. The next week I had 10 interviews, 5 on the first day I started interviewing alone. I always knew I had been underpaid at my company and my interviews confirmed it when I said I was making almost 15% more than I actually was and would need at least that to start and people were surprised I was compensated so lightly (Even with the inflated amount!!!)

I ended up getting 2 offers for the higher amount I said I was making and I had a clear front runner but they couldn't offer the benefits I needed for my family and myself, so we turned them down. The next one was decent benefits and had a clear path of growth in a field I wanted to learn. Contrary to my instinct, I wrote a well worded e-mail giving thanks but counter-offering asking for a higher salary. They called me later that day and said "No problem, we'll pay you that easily"

I accepted the official revised offer on July 10, and started on July 21. Not including my separation pay, this at first thought horrid event, turned into a 33% bigger salary for me and I'm learning life underwriting which I've always been interested in! I'm currently studying for my ALU exams for the next few years, but very thrilled with how this turned out.

I will never forget being escorted out of the building holding a box of my belongings, not being allowed to say goodbye to any of my friends that I met over the past (almost 4 years) and hearing the hard *CLINK* of the door locking behind me as I stood alone in a parking garage. I wasn't sure if I would find anything better, but my brother assured me that the right people land in the right places, just keep my chin up and believe. Boom.

That's it. :) Hopefully you all are having a great day, and this leaves you with a positive feeling for the weekend.

PS: If you have any questions on life insurance products, underwriting, etc. Feel free to shoot me a PM. I've done life marketing for the past 4 years and now am specializing in underwriting (had a decent basis in pre-underwriting) for a brokerage so I have access to many carriers and can help (or at least get you to someone who can help) 

The Lounge / Re: 3D Printer Build Thread - Any interest?
« on: August 18, 2017, 11:50:55 AM »
....Excellent. I need you to print something for a project, could you help a brutha out if I pay you some money for materials?

The Lounge / Re: Anybody have their project result in a divorce?
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:27:28 PM »
I sold my car shortly after we got married...or engaged, one of the two. I can't remember. She told me I didn't have to...

I regret it everyday.

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