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Messages - MLturbo

Pages: [1] 2
Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013 - MLTurbo
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:19:16 AM »
super clean FB. personally woulda left the black side molding, but i love the lexus swap. that is just gangster.

I like the clean sides better, BUT I will admit the trim made the car look longer, but the clean look makes it appear a bit newer while still being the trim on mine was all wavy...

as for next months ROM, my vote goes to that 4g63 powered FD in the build section...what a nice machine.

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 27, 2013, 10:25:30 PM »

in the sun the color doesnt match as good as i would have liked...but silver metallic is hard to match, you can hardly tell in the shade, but in direct sun its a bit darker, still looks better than it did all beat up and cracked paint, eventually ill repaint the whole car, at least it will be lookin good for DGRR

now its just little things project wise, finding tires, sorting out the speedo eventually, might upgrade the brakes, but honestly...i dont know why, the gslse brakes stop the car pretty hard....if it was a track car, yeah they would probably suffer fade, but as a street car that only sees hard braking occasionally, i have never complained.

also to come will be the conversion to the r154 toyota transmission, it doesnt need it yet...but i want to be ready if(when) it does break the T2. ill document that best i can for those in mind to add a beefier trans, because i intend to use the T2 bellhousing, therefore the mod will bolt to a rotary should anyone still have one.

Build Threads / Re: 4G63 FD
« on: March 27, 2013, 10:17:14 PM »
outstanding job!!  :cheers:

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:37:06 PM »

straightened and repainted the rear bumper, its not "perfect" anymore...but most people will never notice, I will...but just going to have to live with it until I chance upon one that is better, which ya'll know isn't easy to find....I am still very amazed at how it withstood that impact, how the car managed to escape panel damage and at how i managed to collect my senses enough to not get myself put in jail...

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:29:18 AM »
Sounds like you have some 3.73 gears

i doubt 3:73, however in my haste to get things together i never actually counted the teeth...though it was marked 3.08 :D
i changed from 3.90 so it wouldnt have changed things much going to 3:73, and its substantially different now...i have to elevate the car this weekend to adjust the Ebrake, ill roll the diff and count the turns to verify, wouldnt that just be messed up to get improperly marked gears after all the other troubles i have had in the last month .....

oh and no....this is the first time i noticed the A1000 noise..... ::)

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:43:08 PM »
:cheers:  Wonderful job on this build! I can't believe how tame that engine sounds at idle...truly a 100% sleeper. Beautiful FB. Now find some damn tires and have fun!:)

well it is a limo engine :D i can tell you the loudest thing on the car at normal throttle and speeds is that *$&#&&^*&$^# A1000 fuel pump....that thing is on the hit list for tired of listening to it.
as much as i didnt intentionally build a "sleeper" it pretty much is one, i just wanted it clean and simple....well...simple as can be expected of something that complex...but still...

ill get the tires sorted out eventually, first thing is first, and that is being ready for DGRR2013!! i want to drive it there AND home and we will not be having any more problems!!!!
luckily my friend is taking his truck..ya never hurts to have backup :D if you have backup nothing will go wrong!!

OH that reminds me, i did a run to sanford looking for a new bumper and logged right at 200 miles on the car, using just over 8 gallons of fuel....that is near as much 25mpg on a 75/25 highway/town split, with one pretty long traffic jam on I4 where i went almost no where for like 20 mins....once i get the dyno tuning done and really refine it i bet i will see the 30mpg highway i was shooting for from the get go of this installation.

the thing that puzzles me is with me gearing, i changed to a 3.08 final, with the .71 5th gear of the T2 trans and a 245/50/15 tire, it should cruise at 70mph at approx 2200 rpm, BUT its nearly 2700rpm me...unless i did something wrong in the calcs....but it runs good that way it seems, i just wanted it a little lower down at interstate speeds, for better MPG and its i can hear that F(^$&((^$% fuel pump better...... :D

Build Threads / Re: SOB Racing 87 with a 4G63
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:30:35 PM »
interesting build, should be fun to drive, would be a monster on a track.

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 07, 2013, 04:08:01 PM »
Step up to 275's.   ;)

nah im not turning it into a drag queen, those tires do not fit under an FB wheel well without A: tubbing it, or B: jacking the ass way up, either way its a no for my desire of a drivers car.

the 245/50/16 is an option, but its a full inch bigger O.D. and its already higher in the rear than i want it to be, and that also requires the purchase of a pair of matching wheels in 16 inch, they are available in theory..but ya know how that goes....its very frustrating....the car limits the sizes that can fit and the manufacturers have all but stopped making those sizes  >:( >:(

Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013 - MLTurbo
« on: March 07, 2013, 04:02:37 PM »
no they are rota RB, 15x7 +35 and 15x8 +35, pretty nice wheel for the money and have other sizes available in same style, i might have to move to a 16 in the rear to get a better tire on the car

ill be up there come hell or high water!!

Build Threads / Re: 85 FB 1uzfe TT build
« on: March 07, 2013, 12:08:57 AM »
now the next dilemma is choices suck...

it seems the dunlop 245/50/15 i have on it are extinct and no one has them anymore... >:(
they dont hook great but are a nice road tire, z rated and do well in the rain when i get caught in it...its florida...rains all the time...
alas...i cant find more..and these arent going to last... :)

so i can get a bunch of different brands/compounds/drag radials in 225/50/15 but that is an even shorter and narrower tire...which is not going to help at i cannot lower the rear of the car due to the driveshaft angle and it would look silly

my best but expensive option is the toyo r888, which i can theoretically get in 235/50/15, its a road race semi-slick that would probably work just fine for my weekend warrior antics and occasional interstate journey. though caution will be needed in the wet.

OR i have to bite down and buy a pair of 16inch wheels and put even lower profile tires on it to retain the 25" O.D. needed to clear properly without raising the car more.....

FBs are a pita to put tires on....really...sometimes i wonder why i dont just mod the

Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013 - MLTurbo
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:15:20 PM »
what a sleeper!

Any performance numbers?  HP/TQ  ET/MPH?


No air filters on those turbos?  ;)

thank you and no and no, not yet, im going to DGRR first, then ill torture it in case i break it, i did do a little roll race against my friends 430whp vette and it was pretty even untill i got into 4th then he starts creeping away, im not making a lot of power yet on 6psi, its still very mild, i need to set up the speed sensitive traction control before i add any more power because it cant hold it down low, need it to ramp in at top of 3rd and up to about 450-500whp...then its all over but the crying :D

weight, not been on scales yet, i estimate its nearly the same as a stock gslse, and balance wise near as makes no difference, when i get a chance on some corner scales i will post the facts of it, right now im only going by estimating of parts, added/removed and moved around.

air filters...ah room for them...ill have to come up with something very custom at some point to locate them in front of the intercooler maybe....i dunno its so tight its stupid....they have FOD screens on them, its a pretty fine mesh stainless screen material. best i can do with the time/space i have to work with right now.
dont worry they arent just open to suck in random objects. and i stay away from dirt roads anyway

the car is not perfect, i have a lot of corrections and mods still to go...its a work in progress and probably always will be.

Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013 - MLTurbo
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:33:53 PM »
1985 GS shell
de-marooned interior now in black/grey
mercedes benz bright silver metalic outside
1993 lexus sc400 1uzfe quad cam V8
adapted mazda turbo2 5spd/flywheel/clutch
ford 8.8 rear end, 3.08 gears
twin 57mm turbos, intercooled
electromotive tec3 management
aeromotive fuel system
ford rack and pinion steering
plx wideband
and many many small tweaks and mods to make it all work....and fit...

I have owned the car for 9 years and this is just its latest rendition, its never done and it just keeps getting better, I am a machinist/fabricator by trade, have been doing that for nearly 20 years, and that allows me to build something like this on the very small budget i work on....and with a little help from my friends when needed, never forget the ones that help you along the way, having a extra hand here and there was a huge help during all the difficult fitments.

sorry but I have no dyno numbers at this time as I am preparing to go to DGRR and focusing on other things to ready the car, eventually ill post up numbers when i have them, I will just say it's sufficient and leave it at that  :D

here is my build thread
and some pics, thanks for the votes!!


Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013 - MLTurbo
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:42:10 PM »
wow thanks guys, first time I ever won anything other than a street race with it hehehe

Ride Of The Month / Re: March 2013
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:18:53 AM »
I wish i had some better ROTM worthy pics, i actually had a photographer that trains at me gym lined up to do a photo shoot, and then i got rear ended and kind of been busy ever since...the damage is only to the bumper but i dont want to do a photo session until its back to being perfect.....thank you all for the votes, everyone that goes through this process deserves to be on the front page eventually, no swap is easy, even with swap kits.

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