Wonderful job on this build! I can't believe how tame that engine sounds at idle...truly a 100% sleeper. Beautiful FB. Now find some damn tires and have fun!:)
well it is a limo engine

i can tell you the loudest thing on the car at normal throttle and speeds is that *$&#&&^*&$^# A1000 fuel pump....that thing is on the hit list for sure...im tired of listening to it.
as much as i didnt intentionally build a "sleeper" it pretty much is one, i just wanted it clean and simple....well...simple as can be expected of something that complex...but still...
ill get the tires sorted out eventually, first thing is first, and that is being ready for DGRR2013!! i want to drive it there AND home and we will not be having any more problems!!!!
luckily my friend is taking his truck..ya know...it never hurts to have backup

if you have backup nothing will go wrong!!
OH that reminds me, i did a run to sanford looking for a new bumper and logged right at 200 miles on the car, using just over 8 gallons of fuel....that is near as much 25mpg on a 75/25 highway/town split, with one pretty long traffic jam on I4 where i went almost no where for like 20 mins....once i get the dyno tuning done and really refine it i bet i will see the 30mpg highway i was shooting for from the get go of this installation.
the thing that puzzles me is with me gearing, i changed to a 3.08 final, with the .71 5th gear of the T2 trans and a 245/50/15 tire, it should cruise at 70mph at approx 2200 rpm, BUT its nearly 2700rpm

....beats me...unless i did something wrong in the calcs....but it runs good that way it seems, i just wanted it a little lower down at interstate speeds, for better MPG and its quieter...you know...so i can hear that F(^$&((^$% fuel pump better......