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Messages - MoparX

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 28
Ronin Speedworks / Re: Ronin 8.8 "Grande" Axles & Hubs - new IRS upgrade
« on: February 14, 2020, 11:51:25 AM »
What is the diameter of the outer splined shaft, vs fc and fd stuff? 

Ronin Speedworks / Re: Ronin 8.8 "Grande" Axles & Hubs - new IRS upgrade
« on: February 14, 2020, 11:45:53 AM »
Will definitely be going this route when I lose my GKN outers.  Great to see an alternative to the DSS Porsche option!

Any particular reason you don’t care for them, other than price?  Just curious.

Ronin Speedworks / Re: Ronin 8.8 "Grande" Axles & Hubs - new IRS upgrade
« on: February 14, 2020, 11:41:21 AM »
Once again you are making me regret past purchases:) At what power level do the FD outers start to break? I've had your 8.8/FD hybrid axle for 4 years and about 1000 miles on my stock LS2. It's been fine but I haven't really pushed the car hard.

You’ll be fine.   I’m one of the guys knocking on 8’s, and my car (FC) uses FD outers with Ronin’s standard FC 8.8 axles.  I broke an FC outer and upgraded to FD outers and haven’t broken one.   The new kit would good insurance but don’t think that the standard axles, or FD outers, are weak because they’re not.   

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: Leaking 8.8 IRS on my FD
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:23:06 PM »
Interesting.  My drivers side seal started leaking last year and after replacing the seal in February it still leaks.  I reused the stock Mazda carrier breather.  I wonder if it's clogged.  Not trying to hijack or anything.  I just didn't think of that. 

Ronin Speedworks / Re: Tester needed - RX8 Explorer 8.8 Kit
« on: February 10, 2016, 12:17:06 AM »

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 21, 2015, 01:56:01 PM »
Didn't Chris run 8.13 (or something close to that) on Saturday? 

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 20, 2015, 10:23:03 AM »
Yeah it is, especially taking a beating all weak and holding up.  Congrats to him.

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 19, 2015, 11:09:08 PM »
Day 5.  8.32 @ 168.  I'm guessing something happened to slow the car down on the final day but congrats to him for winning the Modified Poweradder class of Drag Week 2015. 

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:04:13 PM »
Day 3, Union Grove.  8.20@174

Day 4, Cordova.  8.19@174

He's solidly in first place in his class so there's no reason to turn it up just yet.  I'm interested to see how he does tomorrow.  He'll probably shoot for another 8.20 or so to clinch the class win then turn it up for the glory pass. 

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 16, 2015, 11:08:46 AM »
I'm thinking he just wanted a more aerodynamic chassis.  He's pretty well known for his old 60's Nova wagon, which I think this engine combo came out of.

General Tech / Re: Battery disconnect switch question?
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:52:13 AM »
Just re-read your post and saw where you said the battery is trunk mounted.   :banghead:  I was under the impression your battery was still up front and you were trying to figure out a way not to run heavy gauge wire to the rear if you didn't have to. 

I don't see why that wouldn't work.  Use 2 poles to intercept the main battery power and 2 poles to cut the ignition.  As long as when the switch is turned the whole car goes dead.

General Tech / Re: Battery disconnect switch question?
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:56:58 PM »
The switch was mounted up by the battery and the on/off handle was located in the back bumper via a push/pull cable.  The same type of cable used with shifters, just longer.  I though it was pretty slick myself.  Wish I had pictures.  In any case it solved the same issue you have by not wanting to run power all the way to the back just for a switch.  How it's wired is the battery and alternator wire connected to one side of the switch, and then everything else connects to the other (basically everything that's connected to the + on your battery now, except the alternator wire).  When the switch is turned off power from the battery and alternator are cut and not able to power anything, completely killing your car if needed.

Also, I was adding onto the post when you replied so you may not have seen the links to either the cable manufacturer or the switch he was using. 

General Tech / Re: Battery disconnect switch question?
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:42:06 PM »
For the same reason, I'v seen a guy run a push/pull cable from the back to the front where the disconnect switch is installed next to the battery. 

The guy I spoke to about it told me this is the company he used for the cable.  Glad I saved the name in my phone now because it's been a while.

He was also running this switch.

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:37:29 PM »
8.13 @ 174 today at Indy.  Hope he can last the week. 

Pics and Videos / Re: Twin turbo FC on Drag Week
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:58:52 AM »
Rick Prospero, went 8.28@180 today.  We might see a new #1 on the top 50 list this week.

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