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Messages - rk970

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Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: December 17, 2024, 02:55:29 PM »
Not using a light weight flywheel or a hi pressure clutch cover.  It was only making contact on the outer 1/2" with the clutch disk.  I have seen flywheels do this to only .004" not .012"  and not constantly across the entire surface. 
Any hoo. it was reground, new disk, pressure plate, throw-out and pilot bearing went in. I have had good luck with the t5 since the car weights 2480 lbs and I am old and no longer side step the clutch.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: December 16, 2024, 06:55:08 PM »
And put in a Melling 10552st "Shark tooth" oil pump. 

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: December 16, 2024, 06:53:24 PM »
Clutch chatter...  lol..  It was so bad in 1st gear I pulled the trans.  Then I rebuilt the trans (new 1-2 slider, reverse idler gear and 5th shift fork plus all bearing, synchros shift pads ect)  Pulled the clutch to realize the fly wheel was ground with a .012" bevel toward the center (won't be using that shop). New clutch and the flywheel was ground flat. 
Then I noticed the rear main seal was leaking (WTF FML). Pulled the rear main seal and the seal housing was not centered.  Pulled the pan and seal housing and installed a new housing using a delrin centering ring I made then pressed in a new rms. 
Well since the pan was off I cut the bottom off and made a new one with .8 more qt capacity. 

I found out I was over torqueing the pan to rear seal housing and distorting it.

Since I had to pull the left side header this is what the ex ports look like.

Any hoo.  The clutch action is much better and the trans shift effort is awesome now.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: May 09, 2023, 06:34:56 PM »
I did not get any pics.  Got it fixed.  Used a Powerbond PB2221SS SFI 18.1 approved balancer.   I had to mill .104 off the snout to fit my 60-2 trigger wheel. 
Anyhoo I feel like the old balancer has been an issue for quite some time.  The wee little v6 runs much, much smoother, trigger logs now look text book with no false triggering and timing error is under .04% (was up to 2% before). 

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: April 27, 2023, 10:57:32 PM »
For the love of god... Has anybody experienced a harmonic balancer failure.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: March 24, 2023, 11:56:08 AM »
17,000+ miles so far,   :drive: .
I need to wrap the vr crank sensor wire in copper foil tape (and get rid of the band aid aluminum foil) and ground it back to the ecu..  once in a moon it will pick "noise" from the ignition , usually when it is really cold and humid out (great I live in the PNW)
Average MPG is 22 bombing around the island, and I did get 30 out in eastern washington. 
4oz of oil used in 1000 miles.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: July 13, 2021, 01:35:38 AM »

I feel like the seat upholstery was a success. 
In other news getting the acceleration enrichment has been changeling.  I had to  blend tps/map dot,.  2500rpm in 2nd and giving the throttle a quick jab results in a nice amount of wheel spin..   :drive:

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: May 21, 2021, 08:22:19 PM »
ohh that was a Mofo

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: May 19, 2021, 08:52:14 PM »
Got the passenger seat apart.  The listing wires were rusted away (the wire in the cover that gets hog ringed to the seat frame) and I am going to use 3/32 welding rod to replace them.  I think someone was drinking to much Sake as one the listing wires had 20 (yes 20) hog rings on it attached to nothing.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: May 17, 2021, 08:08:51 PM »
Wish me some luck...

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:15:40 PM »
I built a weight to attach the the tailshaft of the trans to reduce some of the vibes (v6 engines are not the smoothest)

and I promptly removed it.. it helped above 3500rpm and below 1900 it was like driving on a cobble stone road.  So the 34 year old rubber mazda mounts appear to be way to darn stiff.. I got some ranger rover mounts on order since they are the same thickness and hopefully a little softer..
The great news is I drove out to Walla Walla from Whidbey Island 368 miles one way with no traffic ( I left at 4:30am) and averaged 64mph with 28mpg and on some of the long up hill stretches on hwy 82 I was bombing along at 120+.   Over the 736 miles (best I can measure) the oil level dropped ~.040-.050".. 
On that trip I got a 7hr data log and I was able to get my baro correction curve and the air temp correction curve dialed in.  Baro ranged from 101.8 to 80.2 and air temp 37° to 114°F on the data log
I took a chance and ordered seat upholstery form Lseat. I got a tracking number and they should be here this friday. All black leather with perforated center panels. I will attempt to make a Utube video of the whole seat rebuild process.
The rear bearing of the alternator blew up again, I took the rotor out and had it rebalanced for $20 and some beer.  It was not balanced very well, cuse China.

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: April 23, 2021, 08:17:45 PM »
Oh noes, the slave cylinder be done.. It was weeping, so I was going to order a rebuild kit.  CNC (Chuck Neal Corp) is no longer in business so I ordered a EMPI unit. Good thing I took it apart as it had some trash in it.  Rehoned it with 600 ball hone and polished the shaft with 2500. 

Anyhoo.. Doing a oil/filter change, the oil level dropped 1/16" in 2000miles so the oil burning it fixed  :)  changing the diff oil and rotating the tires.  Then it gets a wash, unbelievable how dirty rubber dust makes a car.

Build Threads / Re: Blake's 1965 Mustang Project
« on: February 05, 2021, 07:53:34 PM »
-1.7° camber, is that much necessary for a street car?  (I don't mean to be rude, don't take it that way).  I would think with good geometry (roll center height) and a decent camber curve (how much negative camber during compression vs roll center height) -.5 would work.  IMO -2.0 you get reduced max braking.. 

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: February 05, 2021, 12:56:42 PM »
comp 26918. '

and the best one.

Good quality imported work right there.. 

Build Threads / Re: My 4.3 vortec 84 FB
« on: January 25, 2021, 02:24:17 PM »
No pics but another update.
I pulled a valve cover as preventive precaution to take a look see at the valve train.  Some of the valve springs looks somewhat not concentric with the valve stem.  I aired up #1 cyl and pulled the springs and put in the check springs (I did not want to keep compressed air on it all day).  I kind of have a love-hate thing with comp cams. The springs are comp 26918 supposed to be 125 on the seat at 1.800in.  Went to a friends shop to check the springs,,guess what.. 108lbs at 1.800 and not very parallel, tossed em in the round file.  Pac-1219 @ 1.800 shows 138 on the seat and 315 over the nose. It now will pull hard to the rev limiter.  HR cams are nothing like setting up a sold flat tappet cam (I have much more experience with thoses)
My 35ahr U1 agm battery is dying, (I have a 56f capacitor across the battery that was masking it).  The battery was 8 years old after all.  I was having a hard start issue and it was driving me nuts trying to tune it to start, it was cranking fine but voltage was dropping to 8.9V
Updated the firmware on the MSII to 3.4.4  don't know why but it seams to run better on it.  :huh:
19 mpg mixed hoon/city/10%hwy.
I will dig one of the comp spring springs out of the bin and post a pic soon. (I Was kinda pissed about that one)

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