Messages - Powerlover

Pages: 1
Been good! Tell Mike I said hi! I sure wish I had time to build another project. I miss the community.   

Good to see you still showing the kids how to do things the right way!  Been a long time since we met in Reynolds.  You still see Mike around?

The Lounge / Australia's got talent.
« on: 24 Oct, 2012 19:26 »
Good stuff.  Anybody heard car #2 before?

I bet I coil get you on at Severstal!!!  Ready to sweat?  I keed. I keed...

It seems we are somewhat neighbors....I find myself in Starkville several times a year.  I'd love to see this thing!!!  Let me know if you need help in the paint department.  I've been painting for over 15 years.

Build Threads / Re: So it begins......
« on: 22 Oct, 2012 16:49 »
Great read!  Just read the whole work....Needless to say I haven't gotten anything done today!!! Now I'm off to read halfspec's since were pretty much neighbors!!

The Lounge / Re: Bittersweet
« on: 22 Oct, 2012 10:27 »
You will definitely survive. :D Its been quite awhile since I sold mine.  I cant even remember when I sold it..... I do miss it still.  :drive:

Haha!   I remember that car very well.    I think I ended up with a copy of your shifter via Indyparts also.   ;)

Yup. I built that shifter for Rick.

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