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Messages - slinky

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Drag Racing / Re: first runs of 2013
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:00:42 AM »
i got to work on my car a bit last weekend....the whole time knowing it will be in no way, shape, or form moving this summer...

it made me sad, i envy you all!

that being said, my dad seeing how bad this is killing me missing a year at the track, has graciously let me barrow his 99 bmw M roadster for the track this summer...

i'd say its a fair trade off, especially since he just happened to pick up a buttload of Dinan parts for it and letting me fab up some goodies for the car this season :D

cant wait for the first race weekend at my my local spot. june 15th cant come fast enough

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: KYB or Monroe struts/shocks
« on: May 11, 2013, 06:56:04 AM »
glad to hear you like them. you should report back after beating on it a bit so we all know how they do with the smallblock under the hood and the added torque to the rear wheels.

does it hook up off the line any decent?


The craigslist add pretty much says it all. Hate to see my little sport truck go, but after my wedding costs, My rx7's motor taking up all my spare cash, and buying my Harley.....I am now in the situation where i have to many projects! id rather see the truck go to someone who will clean it up like i intended too then see it rot at my property sitting on the rack burner for the next few years....Its a great lil truck with a LOT of potential. hate to say it, but it would almost be worth swapping a rotary back in...well...almost ;)

anywho, if you are interested please message me Via txt or email on the add, not on here. thanks

Price is FIRM. not making any money on this deal, just wanna get back what i have into it the last 2 months i have owned it...

Build Threads / Re: Project: Retro REPU-aka Super Daily
« on: April 14, 2013, 05:23:49 AM »
For sale.....

Come and get it guys....

Build Threads / Re: Slinky's FB SBF swap/build thread
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:43:55 AM »
some more randoms. last time i got to tinker on the car the guys where balls deeps in a few projects in the shop...It's awesome that business is booming, but damn we are running outa room!

Build Threads / Re: Slinky's FB SBF swap/build thread
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:34:24 AM »
Hello all...ITS PICTURE TIME!!!!

My Employee Nates globe of a head in the the 12a

Empty bay. time to start striping, filling, shaving, painting, and wire tucking...

There's my new motor, thanks to my good buddy boomer. gotta gut it down and send the block out...

Side view...and no, sadly i will not be rocking the patriotic paint

and there she is as of right now

next step is completely stripping, simplifying, caging, and reconstructing the interior to my new design. I'm trying to be very James Bondish

had to get this shot, new project, new shop, new business, new direction in's all very positive. makes me smile.

AAAAAND.....the new details...

I have extended this build time another year. I have a friend Who doe's fiberglass body panel molding and he's working with me on a full fiberglass front flip. This means front tube framing :), also a much more aggressive front and rear suspension geometry, a few more little tasteful mods, *cough* Nitrous *cough*.....

anywho, I am kind of bouncing between this, my Repu, my pickup, my celica....while working a full time job and managing my small business...So i am sorry if i am a little slow on updates. I get a lot done when i have the chance to wrech on it, but that time seems to be less and less lately. once this drag seasons starts off i should get some more time to throw at her :)

The Lounge / Re: Custom Stickers?
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:01:15 AM »
I really wish my f250 was repainted so i could get a yellow sticker to paint match it....

i just got a new billet grill for it last month and i have been debating on making a stainless decepticon emblem for the grill...i think it might just class it up a bit. people already tell me it's scary... ;)

but yeah, let me know on those erox. I also have a question on custom color's. My dad was wondering on paintmatched fender hash marks for his M roadster

Fabrication / Re: custom motor mounts
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:53:45 AM »
Yeah I kinda wish I had made my own, just so they'd be stronger than the granny's mount.  If I was to do it, I'd hang the motor/trans where it needs to go and build them around that.  Lots of folks do a tube design with bushings to dampen the vibrations.

Like so:

The granny mounts for the FB's are such a joke. I'm going to end up using a bushing in the final mount design i am doing for my car, exept using tri tubing, not round.

Build Threads / Re: Project: Retro REPU-aka Super Daily
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:45:19 AM »


Build Threads / Re: Team Chihuahua SR20 RX8
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:42:12 AM »

this thing is going to be a beast. if i may ask, why not an RB series? I know the cost difference is huge...but this thing is almost to wild for the sr lol

Build Threads / Re: Project: Retro REPU-aka Super Daily
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:22:43 AM »
I could make coilovers for that thing pretty easy. 4 valve springs 8 washers and a couple trunk struts lol.

I wouldn't mind seeing this thing with the s2000 drivetrain.


i originally wanted to do another jap 4 banger swap...but i could honestly never bring myself to use a honda power plant. I would REALLY love to see this thing with a 12v vr6, stroked & snailed...but i just don't have the time, money, or motivation right now. the SBF swap is just to easy lol

The Lounge / Re: Custom Stickers?
« on: March 20, 2013, 05:35:03 PM »

dude....what would you want for some decepticon stickers in 4"x4"? 2 black, 2 white, 2 purple? i could pick them up in a few weeks when i get the norotors one's from you :P

my old sticker i had was less then quality and didnt last after the first car wash....and i am a HUGE old school transformers fan. getting my decepticon tat finished up this weekend actually :D

The Lounge / Re: Custom Stickers?
« on: March 19, 2013, 05:33:26 PM »
i'll take 2 black and 2 white :D

The Lounge / Re: Forum Donations...
« on: March 19, 2013, 05:32:32 PM »

The Lounge / Re: best grocery store ever!
« on: March 19, 2013, 09:24:11 AM »
suddenly, I'm very hungry....and very thirsty....

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