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Messages - clubber

Pages: [1] 2 3
Cars for sale / Re: 1991 vert with 2002 ls1 t56 for sale
« on: August 20, 2022, 03:51:04 AM »
I'll try to figure out how to get pics up tomorrow. I've been using the car as a semi daily driver and have replaced the temp sender so the gauge reads right now and it's cleaned up a lot.

Cars for sale / 1991 vert with 2002 ls1 t56 for sale
« on: May 04, 2022, 05:04:55 PM »
As the title says, 91 vert with 2002 Camaro LS-1 T56 Chassis has 145K miles
Stock 02 engine and T-56 with about 35K miles (had 25k when I bought them). they run great and I wouldn't hesitate to do any cross country trip or competition event.
Hinson install kit
Emissions legal in Utah and probably everywhere but California. Always passes emissions easily and I got complimented by the state auditors on the wiring in the engine bay on how clean it was, apparently they see lots of hack jobs.
Aftermarket gauge cluster
Speedo and tach need calibrated and the temp gauge reads high but the engine runs cool. The gauge reads 150 degrees when at 70
in the morning on a cold engine so it always reads 230 when driving.
Has Tien flex coil over suspension with about 10K miles, still in great shape. Racing Beat rear steer eliminator bushings
New brakes and rotors
Turbo diff and newish half shafts. I have a Explorer diff and intended a ronin upgrade, the diff comes with the car. 3.73posi
New Optima battery, the old one lasted 10 years. Two months old
New Robbins convertible top, the more expensive version they sell, it's really nice.
Shine auto front 30mm fender flares installed and paint matched.
EVERYTHING WORKS but cruise control. Like pwr windows, mirrors, ac and all the rest
No rust and never had any body damage worse than a few door dings. that being said, what lets this car down is the paint is tired, it has paint chips on the trunk several minor door dings along the sides of the car. It's not so bad it wouldn't polish up with a good detail if you took the time. If I can figure out how to post pics to the website I will soon.
The radio a lot.
Currently has 17x8 wheels with 225/45x17 BFG Sport comp 2 tires with about 1/2 tread depth. Have new 17x9 RPF1's that will come with the car if I get full price otherwise look in the parts section soon.

I'm selling because I have too many cars and this is the one that an old dude with a bad back can't do what it needs anymore. There's lot's more I'm forgetting from over the years that is good stuff too.
$17,000 obo

I need a box of seals if you'll ship. PM sent.

Parts WTB / Re: wtb fc sbf swap kit asap
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:55:56 PM »
I've got an SBF kit for an FB/SA.  You didn't say what car.

Electronics / Re: 91 fc fog light wiring????
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:48:18 PM »
On my 'vert, I wired the fog lights to the power mirror switch.  That way, they are on switched power and the switch has no power with the key off incase I forget they are on when I shut it off.

General Tech / Re: Power steering in an FD, take 6... A new idea?
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:17:18 AM »
Against more resistance than a rotorhead going LSX, I am continuing with my goal!  I fabbed up the bracket tonight, was very easy. 
WOW, the rotary guys are much nicer where you live than in Ut.  I got WAY more shit than this and it still continues from time to time.

General Tech / Re: Tire width to rim width ratio questions
« on: November 11, 2013, 10:04:17 PM »
The next question is what performs better... a 255 on a 9 inch wheel or a 275 on a 9 inch wheel for instance. My experience has been the wider tire is better. I know there are some cases where it isn't but generally wider is better... for me anyway.
In the article, they run a 205 on 8's and then 225's on them.  They said that the 205 had better turn in but the 225 had better stick in the middle of the turn.  Their lap times for both were the same down to .1 seconds IIRC.  The wider tire on 9's had the good turn in and the better stick and was a half second faster than either of the other ones.

General Tech / Re: Tire width to rim width ratio questions
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:19:55 PM »

hence how i'm currently at 275 all around on 9s.

Well, according to the article, your rims are WAY to narrow.  A 275 should be on an 11 or slightly more.  My rims I'm going to are 9 in front and 9.5 rear with 255/275 tires on them.  If the article is correct, my rims are too narrow which is kind of a bummer as the tires aren't even mounted yet. But I don't think there is any way of fitting an FC with 10 and 11 inch wide rims without pretty big flares.

General Tech / Tire width to rim width ratio questions
« on: November 10, 2013, 05:48:25 PM »
Guys, the recent Grass Roots Motorsports mag has an comparison on tires which has questioned the way I've done rims and tires since the dawn of time.  Yea, I'm old.  I have until now always based the "right" rim width as per the manufacturers recommended size which is generally an inch or below the treadwidth.  As an example, I currently run a 225 (9 inch)/ 45 tread on a 17x8 rim.  I have always believed that the manufacturer's tried to optimize the tires around this basic belief.
In the article by GRM, they tried some 225/50 tires on 8 inch rims and then on 9 inch rims and got better turn in response and similar stick on the wider rims. So, does anyone here have any experience with such wide rim ratios?  My personal interest is for autocross and maybe the occasional track day when I finally gat things dialed in. Drag race info is welcome too.

OK, your car is nice but I want that 510 in the first pictures.  I have missed my 510 since about 10 minutes after I sold it.

General Tech / Re: Fuel system part info needed
« on: October 09, 2013, 02:26:17 PM »
Thanks Joel, The welding rod template was something else that I'll use to get it right.

General Tech / Re: Fuel system part info needed
« on: October 09, 2013, 12:57:11 AM »
Cool, Thanks guys. 

General Tech / Fuel system part info needed
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:03:03 PM »
Guys, I.m doing a new fuel injection fuel system  conversion on my Maxton (think cheap lotus 7).  I am running 3/8 stainless fuel line that will hookup to a -6 AN fitting.  A local fitting place recommended that I flare the  ss line and that will mate to a double AN line.  Since MANY here have been down this road, before I buy the flaring tool; has anyone used flared ss to AN?  This is to finish my carb to FI conversion. 

Suspension/Brakes/Wheels / Re: Corner weighed my car... pleasantly surprised
« on: September 24, 2013, 03:09:23 PM »

General Tech / Re: Fuel An fiting questions
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:36:08 AM »
Sweet! Thank you.

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