I checked my email and I received an update on Pez's original FC mount kit thread from the old site. I tried going to it and it is still down so I don't know how I got this.
Here is the email I got
Dear willcoop,
b20forlife has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Gauging interest: C5 Pedestal mount kit for FC - in the Vendor - Pez Performance forum of V8 RX-7 Forum.
This thread is located at:
Here is the message that has just been posted:
So when can I send my payment in for a set of mounts. I need some lol
There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.
All the best,
V8 RX-7 Forum
I JUST received this exact same email from the same thread I was watching, so eventhough I haven't logged on here in a few months I had a feeling there would be a thread about it so I came to check.
Obviously someone put the old site back online for a bit, then took it down right after it sent out the emails it needed to. Unless the mail server was disabled before the site was taken down and someone enabled it and these old messages were sent out.. who knows, tonnes of possibilities.
anywho, this email reminded me that I was in the middle of building a V8 RX-7 and maybe I should get back on that.. haha