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Messages - fc3sbob

Pages: [1] 2 3
Interior/Exterior / Re: I made some replacement FC corner vents
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:37:21 PM »
Love the initiative and that part looks great.
if these were reasonably priced, you could probably sell tons of these. they look great, and those damn vents break if you look at them wrong... 

^^^New stock part is less than $20 at my local dealer and Mazdatrix at 17.77 [url][/url] The new ones are fairly flexible, its the 20 years in the sun that kills them.

if I did make these for other people, they would be around the same price.

Interior/Exterior / Re: I made some replacement FC corner vents
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:59:30 AM »
if these were reasonably priced, you could probably sell tons of these. they look great, and those damn vents break if you look at them wrong... 

thanks, yah they are very fragile. I actually broke this one while I was trying to very carefully take measurements.. lol I was not happy, then remembered that I was making new ones so I really didn't care that much :)

Interior/Exterior / Re: I made some replacement FC corner vents
« on: July 27, 2013, 07:47:50 PM »
Wow. Can you do other stuff if I send you the original?

I can, but size is a factor. I wouldn't want to make anything much larger than these vents. what part is it?

Interior/Exterior / I made some replacement FC corner vents
« on: July 27, 2013, 07:09:18 PM »
original is on the left, new one is on the right. Made from ABS Plastic and much stronger than the OEM vents and they have a slightly more modern look. And they fit in nice and snug just by friction. This one was just a prototype and I ended up painting it, which I want to avoid doing in the future.

anyways check it out.

I might be willing to make some more if anyone is interested, but I'll setup the appropriate thread for that later.


great info, looks like everyone uses the ECU VSS output if they have a ecu, so that answers that.

This isn't really a tech question, I'm just gathering info so I just put this in the general tech. I'm in the late stages of developing something that might benefit a lot of FC guy's with T56's or (for now) other gm transmissions.

I'm just wondering. if you are running a stock ecu do you mostly bother to connect the VSS sensor to the ecu? If you do, why? and what did you do with the VSS output wire from your ecu? (running a speedo gauge?, or not connected to anything?)

and guy's running non stock ecu's (megasquirt, or others), same question, do you even have the VSS Sensor connected to the ecu or did you rig up a gauge to read directly from the transmission sensor, ABS Sensor or from a ecu output (if it's connected)

And even carbureted guy's, where do you get your VSS reading from?

sorry I'm being secretive about the thing I've been working on for almost a year now, but I plan on getting more into it soon when more testing has been completed. But your info will help me better design the input side and calibration part of the circuitry.

Drivetrain / Re: Hinson T56 Mount for FC
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:51:23 PM »
ok got mine in, ill take a pic tomorrow for you, I will say this you have to have the motor in before you mount it, it cant be done with the mount in.

On that note yes the energy suspension mount (I used it too) bolts in the far side one,

I put a jack under the tranny, lifted it into position, bolted the brace to the mount, marked on the frame, drilled holes for one side, mounted that side with the provided bolts and mount thingy, then tightened those down, then dropped the jack off the tranny, jacked the other side of the bar into position, drilled out those holes (through the bracket), and finished mounting.

ahh, thank you, My motor is in. I used the far right hole (closest to the passenger side) and I thought something was wrong.. but the trans seemed to line up perfectly with the shifter hole when I used it so I just wanted to make sure. Now I just need to know the height of where I'm going to drill the holes, did you just line it up even with the bottom of the frame rail? or go in the middle? or does it even really matter?

Drivetrain / Re: Hinson T56 Mount for FC
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:34:45 PM »
No new holes needed to install the trans mount. You use existing ones.  No pic right now.


really? you use the existing holes in the frame rails? well I'm doing something wrong then.. It's been a while since I've been under there, but I'm sure it doesn't line up to any existing holes.. :( I could possibly have it backwards, or upside down, or something..

Drivetrain / Hinson T56 Mount for FC
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:56:09 PM »
Can someone please post pics of there mounting points on the frame rail? Also I'm having an issue using an energy suspension rubber trans mount, there are 3 holes on the hinson mount and it wants to only line up with the one on the far right, I just want to make sure that's good? I can't seem to find any info anywhere. Unfortunately I can't take pics of mine as my car is currently in a mud pit and it needs to be pulled out sometime soon so I can resume working on it, but this is the first thing I need to tackle when I get it back in the garage.

Drivetrain / Hinson Transmission mount installation - Help Needed!
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:58:13 PM »
Hi everyone, I am wondering if someone can tell me where to find proper instructions on how to install the transmission mount correctly. I do not want to start drilling into my frame rail without knowing that I am doing it where it needs to be done, but I can't find any information or even pictures of the mount installed.
Also, I am using a Energy Suspension transmission rubber mount. The rubber mount has 3 holes for bolting it to the hinson mount, It seems that I have to use the hole on the right in order for the hinson mount to sit properly in between the frame rails. Something doesn't seem right, but the shifter seems like it's lined up properly and the transmission seems to be centered fine.

this is for a FC

I have a set of BBK Fox body headers and a set of LS1 flanges, This is what I was originally going to do.. I just picked up a set of camaro headers for pretty cheap.. when I get the engine in the car over the next week or so I will see how much work it will take to modify the camaro headers, if not then I'll go the mustang headers route.
if it just requires some bending and reworking I know enough people with pipe bending equipment and presses, but if it's nearly impossible then I'll get the mustang headers out and do that instead.

General Tech / longtube headers for LS1 FC - Will F-Body headers work?
« on: October 01, 2011, 03:44:25 PM »
I'm just wondering if longtube headers designed for a F-Body will clear in a FC.. I just noticed that the drivers side kindof jets out a few degree's towards the side of the car. Will this be an issue when I go to install the engine?
I'm fine with having to "massage" the floor with a hammer to get them to fit.

The Lounge / Re: I got a thread update from the old site today
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:16:25 PM »
I checked my email and I received an update on Pez's original FC mount kit thread from the old site. I tried going to it and it is still down so I don't know how I got this.

Here is the email I got

Dear willcoop,
b20forlife has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Gauging interest: C5 Pedestal mount kit for FC - in the Vendor - Pez Performance forum of V8 RX-7 Forum.
This thread is located at:
Here is the message that has just been posted:
So when can I send my payment in for a set of mounts. I need some lol
There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.
All the best,
V8 RX-7 Forum

I JUST received this exact same email from the same thread I was watching, so eventhough I haven't logged on here in a few months I had a feeling there would be a thread about it so I came to check.
Obviously someone put the old site back online for a bit, then took it down right after it sent out the emails it needed to. Unless the mail server was disabled before the site was taken down and someone enabled it and these old messages were sent out.. who knows, tonnes of possibilities.

anywho, this email reminded me that I was in the middle of building a V8 RX-7 and maybe I should get back on that.. haha

General Tech / Re: Mustang 4.6L Headers on LS1
« on: October 17, 2010, 02:13:30 PM »
I think you meen 5.0 headers. Search for poorboy headers

yah, you might be right about that.. I assumed they were off a 4.6.

General Tech / Re: Mustang 4.6L Headers on LS1
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:53:25 AM »
double post

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