- RX7 Engine Swap Forum
Classifieds => Cars for sale => Topic started by: ChriS2000 on May 15, 2014, 02:35:45 PM
Agreed.. Price is worth it for a well sorted FC such as this. Sad to see this one go, but GLWS.
Agreed.. Price is worth it for a well sorted FC such as this. Sad to see this one go, but GLWS.
Thanks man, I'm just as happy to keep it if there's no interest. I've just wanted to put together a C5 Z for years, and I'm currently in a position to do so.
:cheers: Here's to hopefully nobody wanting the FC so I can stick around here and ask you more questions about your setup.
You'll like the FC better than the C5Z anyway :) they feel huge compared to a FC.
In all seriousness, they are very good track cars with the right mods.
Where the heck were you two years ago? Good luck with the sale. I can attest to a build like that costing easily 2X what he's asking! I'm there, and my car looks like a clapped out tin can!
Thanks man. Everyone who is new to this community thinks that you can toss together a car like this in a week, and spend 10k out the door.
The truth is it takes a lot of time, research, money and other resources to build something on this level. :cheers:
So yeah... the engine is ticking. After looking at the whole top end, everything looks fine. Installed a set of ls7 lifters, tick is still there.
I'm dropping the price to 9k, which should easily cover the price of a new shortblock (worst case scenario) if anyone is interested.
Wow that went fast!
Is that your new ride?
Working on it, negotiations are fierce with the dealer. I think they're winning lol
Looks familiar! Same year too.
Just use my system with dealers:
"I will pay you this much"
"We need this much"
"Too damn bad. I have a check for this much. Take it, or leave it"
Whenever "this much" is a somewhat reasonable amount, they take it, eventually. Then again, I'm an asshole, hahahahahaha.
I am picturing you putting a check for a certain amount on the desk
then leaning back and napping until they finally take it
hours later
I am picturing you putting a check for a certain amount on the desk
then leaning back and napping until they finally take it
hours later
That is actually relatively accurate. Except I play Angry Birds instead of napping.
Ha I essentially did something similar, although if I were them I'd probably hold out until someone wanted to pony up the extra $1500 we're fighting over.
Congrats on the sale and hopefully the purchase. That yellow with some dark graphite wheels looks killer.
Anybody have a carfax account?