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Off-Topic => The Lounge => Topic started by: Tomo on March 07, 2014, 09:55:37 AM
I've seen the discussion come up a few times on the insta-chat.
Alright boys, the "what you've got", "what you want", "things that are cool but can't own", and "what I've shot" thread.
Frankly, I own nothing personally. Not that I'm really opposed. I had a previous roommate who was VERY active with guns. Living in MD though quite a few restrictions to deal with.
Right now, I'd like to get a Mosin–Nagant. Cheap, bolt action, magazine fed. Capable of using and "fairly well" competing in Service Rifle with iron sights.
What I've shot.
Beretta 9mm
Beretta 22 (its a fun little gun!)
357 snub nose j-frame
357 Long barrel revolver (also a lot of fun! shoot 1 handed!!)
M1 Garand (old guns are so cool!)
AR 15
Remington 300 Win Mag bolt action. (with floating barrel, laminated wood stock, hair trigger and front kickstands)
The odd assortment of semi-auto 22s, and some competition 22 rifles.
I've shot a lot of stuff. My favorites are ak47,benelli m1,and 9" 44 magnum. Favorite plinkers are walther p22 and gsg.
I don't own any, but I've shot several different handguns (mostly revolvers) and quite a few rifles and shotguns (10 gauge with slugs was crazy!). I liked my buddies Walther P22 w/ suppressor, too. Neat little gun.
I'd like to get a Walther PPK (because Bond) and a Glock or Springfield 9mm subcompact for concealed carry. I have my lifetime concealed carry license. I just haven't promoted "buy a gun" above "buy car parts" yet, haha. I shoot right handed but I'm left eye dominant, so I stand in a really weird posture that makes some long guns kinda annoying to fire.
Ive shot alot of stuff so its hard to say which is my favorite but I am a Marine so Ive been spoiled. However a few weeks ago I was lucky enough to get to play with an MP5K.
Have an assortment.. 'merica!
My favorite is my Steyr Mannlicher classic half stock 270 with a Leupold Mark 4 4.5-14x50. Great deer rifle.
Canada has the most homo gun laws ever. May as well not bother with pistols or anything on the restricted list. At least we got rid of the gun registry what a waste of money that was. In order to even buy a gun you need to take a firearms course. Then you mail in a form to the rcmp with a form showing you passed the course. In 3 months you MIGHT get your PAL (possession/acquisition license). Then there's 3 kinda of PAL's. Non-restricted, restricted, and prohibited. In order to own a handgun you need a "restricted" license and even then only certain handguns are available for purchase. The AR platform is also "restricted". Anything full auto or can be converted to full auto is straight up prohibited and getting a prohibited license is next to impossible. With a restricted PAL you can buy a handgun which is then registered. You need an ATT(authorization to transport) which is setup by calling the RCMP. Then you can only take it to a registered gun range and you must transport it disabled inside of a locked case in a vehicle straight to the range, do your shooting, and drive straight home.
Thats why you will notice alot of canadians into guns are into high power rifles since they are considered non restricted. Here's my list:
-Browning BAR Safari 7mm Mag with an old redfield scope (my main hunting rifle)
-Ruger Mini-14 .223 with a cheapy leupold scope (rides around in my truck with me banging around in the backseat)
-Marlin XT-17VSLB .17 HMR with a cheap vortex scope (for gopher and small rodent duty)
-Remington 700 Tactical .223 with a Nikon Monarch scope (for coyote and fox)
-Savage 110BA .338 Lapua with a Leupold Mark 4 scope (for shooting down airplanes)(basically a toy)
That about covers it. I've owned and sold a pile of guns. Including a .50 BMG and 416 Barrett, .50 Desert Eagle, 9mm's, .45's everything. I only keep the ones I like to shoot and that I use all the time. I do hand load my own bullets which I find relaxing and will net you more accuracy than anything I've seen.
Here's my Savage
I've got a few, my favorite is my stainless colt 1911, manufacture date on my birthday.
plus it makes me feel like pitt' from pulp fiction, or any other movie gangster for that matter 8)
Also building an all billet 7.62x39 AR right now that makes me pretty happy.
I wish I had shot more guns...
Ruger 10/22
Remington 700 (I think)
Marlin 22lr
Remington 870 Wingmaster (Owned by my grandfather, bought in 54...still operates to this day as my trap gun)
Mossberg 20 ga bolt action (mine, 2 rd mag...I keep it around for new shooters who are scared of my 12ga)
Stevens 410/22lr Over Under (My first shotgun, owned by my grandfather, my dad got it for me and had a nice new wood stock put on it)
Mossy 500
Glock 22
Sig P226
Ruger SR9
38 special snubnose (shot this one without ear protection...I IMMEDIATELY regretted that decision, hearing didn't fully comeback for 12+ hrs)
Guns to purchase:
Springfield XD series in 9mm
M1 Garand (Hopefully sometime this year from CMP)
I'd also love to build an AR, probably the most fun rifle to shoot.
Some modern hunting rifle too, a 308 would be nice....
I'd also love to build an AR,
I built one as a father/son project with zero gunsmithing experience. Took a lot less time than I thought and have about $400 in it by buying a few used parts (got my 5.56 barrel and stripped upper for $100 from a friend, and got a red dot for $40. Regular price on all of those would have been closer to $500) and by constantly checking ( Their home page is full of package deals, clearance items, sale items, factory bless, etc. Got my stripped lower from them for $60, new.
Then just comb YouTube for build videos and you're set.
I live in Kansas, 'nuff said. I love my dad's 1911 that he had in WW2, complete with the artfully decorated semi-nude hotties embossed in the holster. PC was not an option back then.
Blake, I have a double 10 and I can tell you that it is not a good idea to pull both triggers at the same time even if it seemed the right thing to do with a flock of geese right there.
I have a few guns
My carry is a Kahr CW9. Cheap but reliable and easy to maintain.
My wife's carry is a Ruger LC9 with laser trace. That's great for her because it's easy for her to rack the slide and point the light at the threat.
My fun gun is a S&W Model 29 .44 Mag.
Rifles aren't anything spectacular.
Remington .308 with scope. Great for hunting
Winchester 30-30 My brush gun
Remington 12G Model 870 shotgun
I've owned a couple other guns but sold them to my brothers.
Ruger P89 9m. Super easy gun to shoot
Ruger Blackhawk .357 was a fun gun to learn on when my dad bought it for me.
I'm so jelly you guys get to own handguns without the hassle and restrictions :banghead:
M1A1, pretty accurate but the ammo's kind've expensive and recoils a bitch.....
I only have a couple of guns (couple rifles, Glock 45, Shotgun), but I am fortunate to have a gun-nut friend. He has an acreage, and raises a garden for targets. It is always a fun time spreadin' lead at his place.
Here is my wife taking out a watermelon with my AR. It was not as spectacular as the 30-30 we used later.
Bushmaster AR15...yeah it's kind of crappy
Taurus PT24/7 OSS DS Tactical .45
Taurus FS92
Couple .22 rifles and pistols
Glock 9mm
Taurus PT24/7 gen 2 .40 cal
Various AR15's
Mosin Nagant
Remington 700 .270
Mossberg 12ga
Remington 870 in 12ga and 20ga
Then there's the military stuff:
Beretta M9
M16A2 and A4
M249 SAW
M240B machine gun
M203 grenade launcher
Mk 19 40mm automatic grenade launcher
M2 .50cal machine gun
Yes the last 2 are as fun as they sound!
Bushmaster AR15...yeah it's kind of crappy
Taurus PT24/7 OSS DS Tactical .45
Taurus FS92
Couple .22 rifles and pistols
Glock 9mm
Taurus PT24/7 gen 2 .40 cal
Various AR15's
Mosin Nagant
Remington 700 .270
Mossberg 12ga
Remington 870 in 12ga and 20ga
Then there's the military stuff:
Beretta M9
M16A2 and A4
M249 SAW
M240B machine gun
M203 grenade launcher
Mk 19 40mm automatic grenade launcher
M2 .50cal machine gun
Yes the last 2 are as fun as they sound!
I bet the best part is not having to pay for all those rounds going through the machine gun.
Small frame ARs, 7.5".223 Wylde pistol and 16" 300 BLK carbine.
Bushmaster AR15...yeah it's kind of crappy
Taurus PT24/7 OSS DS Tactical .45
Taurus FS92
Couple .22 rifles and pistols
Glock 9mm
Taurus PT24/7 gen 2 .40 cal
Various AR15's
Mosin Nagant
Remington 700 .270
Mossberg 12ga
Remington 870 in 12ga and 20ga
Then there's the military stuff:
Beretta M9
M16A2 and A4
M249 SAW
M240B machine gun
M203 grenade launcher
Mk 19 40mm automatic grenade launcher
M2 .50cal machine gun
Yes the last 2 are as fun as they sound!
I bet the best part is not having to pay for all those rounds going through the machine gun.
Especially the Ma Deuce! I would hate to pay out of pocket for the over one hundred rounds used for just one qualification. I also can't imagine the per round cost on the 40mm grenades
Walther PPS 9mm
Walther PPK/S
Walther P22 and SilencerCo suppressor
S&W Bodyguard .380
Ruger SR9
Kimber Eclipse II 1911
Barrett M99 50BMG
Ruger 10/22
Replica H&K MP5, .22LR made by Walther
S&W M&P15
Rock River Arms AR15, built at home
Remington 870 12 gauge, 18"
I've shot a bunch of other stuff, but I'll only mention my dad's Remington 870 with a 18" rifled barrel and 7x Nikon scope for shooting sabot slugs. That thing is brutal, I don't care for it.
Springfield XDm .40 with ported barrel
S&W Shield .40
Ruger sr22
Hybrid war bring back Carl Gustav German High Eagle marked with factory scope mount holes k98 receiver with Springfield 1903 30-06 4 groove barrel.
S&W MP-15 22
Browning A5
and my SHTF rifle
Saiga s308 that I converted myself with a real Russian PKA red dot that co-witnesses.
7mm Mag
Mauser, and I also have the steel jacketed ammo (I don't shoot it tho)
Taurus .38 ultralite(for the wife/conceal carry)
Glock 22 .40 cal (my favorite gun)
Glock 27 .40 cal (my conceal carry)
Hi Point .40 cal (wifes toy)
Springfield XD-9 9mm w extra capacity. (my new favortie gun)
I've shot too many guns to count
Glock 17
Ruger sr22p
Ruger 10/22 rifle
Mossberg 12 gauge Persuader shotgun
My Colt 1911 and WWII era, Polish PPC-43C (Soviet design, produced in USSR, Poland, and China, but this one was Polish so 1943-1948)
Better shot of the 1911
My boy drilling the bullseye with a pocket .380
And the AR I built with my cousin and his AR
I only own one, a Ruger 10-22
I'd like to own a GSG 1911-22 but my wife is Canadian and VERY anti-gun.
I've found that everyone who is anti gun turn pro gun if they (god forbid) ever come across a situation when they actually need one. BTW, if 22lr ever becomes accessible again, I would love a 10-22. Wife has a Walther P22, and that's a great little piece.
HK P7 is my favorite I own.
Shits cool. Wish they would make a similar one/new one so I don't feel like I am handling a relic.
Walther P22 is a great piece.
I really like my old Remington 788 in .308 for hunting.
Ruger Mark 3 pistol .22LR for plinking
and Marlin lever action .44 mag rifle so just blowing the hell out of stuff
I've found that everyone who is anti gun turn pro gun if they (god forbid) ever come across a situation when they actually need one. BTW, if 22lr ever becomes accessible again, I would love a 10-22. Wife has a Walther P22, and that's a great little piece.
I bought a 10-22 for my girlfriend and put it in an archangel stock kit, its more fun than anything else I own.
I really want a 10-22, but I want a few handguns before that.....
I have lots of wants. Hahaha.
Hopefully by the time I get a 10-22, the price of 22lr will be cheap again. Shit, I remember I bought a brick of 500 rds from Cabelas for 11.99 years ago, and it was nice JHP stuff!!!
10-22 was my 1st rifle. My father gave it to me when I was 6 or 7. I still have it some pre Clinton ban mags. Im not a big fan of what Ruger turned the 10-22 into now days. Cheap feeling.
I replaced my ruger 10/22 last year. I had a real old model I inherited from my grandfather. The new one feels quite a bit lighter than the old one but it functions just as flawlessly. Get the odd jam if you don't buy the rounds with the copper coating on the bullet. Lead catches when it is feeding and causes a jam.
What's with this ammunition shortage? Are they just not churning out bullets fast enough or are you yanks preparing for WW3 stockpiling? I thought everyone was nuts when they said a shortage of .22LR so I went shopping today and yep sure enough can't find any. Was going to have some fun getting rid of a pigeon infestation by my grain bins. Used my .223 instead because I have enough brass/primers/bullets/powder to last a lifetime for it. Lets just say feathers were flying.
Didn't think I'd ever see the day that there was a shortage of .22LR. You used to be able to buy them by the box full for peanuts.
I have a ATI stock and a red dot sight on my 10/22. It is a lot of fun.
10/22 here as well and an AX45 as my carry. Love Arizona and open carry laws
10/22 here as well and an AX45 as my carry. Love Arizona and open carry laws
I agree and have been enjoying it.
I replaced my ruger 10/22 last year. I had a real old model I inherited from my grandfather. The new one feels quite a bit lighter than the old one
guess which one has more plastic
I've seen the discussion come up a few times on the insta-chat.
Alright boys, the "what you've got", "what you want", "things that are cool but can't own", and "what I've shot" thread.
What I've got
Beretta 92FS (M9)
S&W M&P 15 (AR-15) 5.56mm
S&W 38SPL 5 shooter (a birthday gift from my pops. got it as a gift when he retired military police)
What I've shot:
S&W 357 6 shooter
custom 308 kimber bolt action
1911's (many brands)
glock 17,19,22
USS chafee's deck mounted 50 cal machine gun
50 cal (many military models)
custom Remington 700 (M40A3) replica
bunch of 22's for target shooting
Mossberg pump
What I'd like:
i want a 1911 REALLY bad. i just feel unpatriotic not having it.
something bolt action
357. idk, i have a thing for revolvers
edit: almost forgot the glock 18
other than the 38SPL, i only have weapons that were standard issued side arms (unmodified) to keep up with my marksmanship. then i get jelly when these cats break out their nifty toys at the range :(
really want a 1911. everytime i shoot one it makes me wonder why we ever discontinued it from service as our side arm and went to the 9mm. the M9's frame has an unusually large frame for a 9mm but the 1911 feels just right in hand.
i'm SUPER jelly yo!
everytime i shoot one it makes me wonder why we ever discontinued it from service as our side arm and went to the 9mm. the M9's frame has an unusually large frame for a 9mm but the 1911 feels just right in hand.
Good news! ( (
everytime i shoot one it makes me wonder why we ever discontinued it from service as our side arm and went to the 9mm. the M9's frame has an unusually large frame for a 9mm but the 1911 feels just right in hand.
Good news! ( (
While I was in the Marines (02-06) there was a ton of complaints that the M9 sucked and didnt have a Picatinny Rail System. The Picatinny Rail System was the big one.
everytime i shoot one it makes me wonder why we ever discontinued it from service as our side arm and went to the 9mm. the M9's frame has an unusually large frame for a 9mm but the 1911 feels just right in hand.
Good news! ( (
:) that's life saving news right there!
That's an interesting & significant development, from a historical perspective (re: the 1911). Talk about a long service life.
Little late to the party, but i figured i'd add.
Own: Glock 23 (.40 cal)
Saiga 12 ;)
Weatherby 30.06 hunting rifle.
Shot: Handguns: probably every glock made (including 18C), Beretta's, H&K 9/10/.40/.45, all manner of 1911's, .357 snubnose, .44 magnum, Desert Eagle .50, .454 kasull, S&W .500 magnum.
Rifles: A lot. Some of the more special ones are: FM-2000, PS-90, Steyr Aug, HK-91, Barrett .50, Authentic WWI Enfield, tommy gun, full auto MP-5, and 8mm mauser from the german sniper my great uncle killed in WWII. Also shot twin .50's off a frigate, and got a 1/2 second trigger pull on an M61A1.
My favorites are: Kimber 1911. Looks like just a chrome/stainless .45, but it's soo smooth and accurate.
PS-90. Light bullpup design with holographic sight. holds 50 rounds. Feels like cheating at 100-150 yds.
Well I'm really late to the party , resurrecting this dead thread.
Actually, I posted on page 2 but I'm building a AR and am kinda proud of it so I wanted to share. This AR as pictured with the 4x scope and light weighs 3 lbs 12 oz and it's going to get lighter soon. For those that don't know, the average AR weighs 7 lbs.
Too much to list, but some of the more interesting stuff in my safe are:
Norinco AK-47
Immaculate Ithaca 12ga Pump, handed down from Dad.
Remington 700 in .243, an old Colt Police Special .38 with 6" bbl., and the first gun I ever fired, a JC Higgins .22lr revolver. (Not worth much to anyone but me. LOL). All passed down from Dad.
Also have a Taurus PT-99 9mm, Bersa .380, Ruger LCP .380, Ruger LCR .38+p (wifes carry gun), S&W Bodyguard .380, Ruger P-90 .45acp, Savage 12ga tactical Pump, Marlin .22lr, and a number of others I can't recall right now.
Also have a couple of Class-3 smg's and suppressors, a Stemple 76-45 in .45acp and 9mm, and a MAC-11/Nine, with a Lage slow-fire upper, and a bunch of other Lage upgrades.
Stuff I've shot:
Bunches of stuff, especially full-auto. M-16 variants, M3 Grease Gun (lots of fun), vintage Sten Gun, MP-5, among others.
Stuff I'd like to shoot:
Belt-fed .50 BMG,
GE Minigun, (if I could afford the ammo, LOL)
Any Mortar or Grenade Launcher,
Tactical Nuclear Weapons. :o
My safe houses
Chinese AK-47
Remington Nylon 66 .22 Buttstock fed
Mossberg 500 12 ga pump
Ruger Buck Mark .22 pistol
Wife's Remington 870 youth express 20 ga
Remington single shot pellet gun
and my baby shown below, Coonan Arms 357 MAG Classic
I've shoot lot's of neat things. My favorite being a Colt M1A1 Thompson. My old man filled up a Plymouth Horizon with watermelons and 1 gallon milk jugs filled with water and red food coloring. He snapped on a 150 round drum and said have at it. One of the coolest things ever. lol
I posted on this while ago but have significantly expanded the collection
- S&W MP15 basic AR with Tac-con zero reset trigger
- Custom AR chambered in 6.5 Grendel with 24" SS barrel
- Custom AR chambered in 9mm with 7.5" barrel (NFA SBR stamp) and a Franklin armory binary trigger (fires on trigger squeeze and release, may as well be full auto)
- Ruger 10/22 in Arch Angel tactical stock
- Ruger 10/22 in standard wood stock
- Remington Apache 77 .22
-Mossberg 500 ATI scorpion
-Mossberg .22 SPX lever action
-Mossberg 930 JM pro
- Series 80 stainless steel Colt 1911
- Para stainless steel 1911 officers model
- S&W MP9 in flat dark earth
- gen 2 Glock 19
- gen 2 Glock 22
- Ruger Mark II target .22
- SilencerCO hybrid - setup to use on the 9mm AR, both glocks, and the 1911
- SilencerCO warlock .22 - for all the rugers and the Mossberg .22 lever.
As far as things Ive shot: too much to list...I shot something really neat at work today I wish I could talk about (I'm an engineer at a firearms company which shall remain unnamed)
How do you like your SBR? I was thinking of building AR pistol, but if it's stupid loud and pisses everyone off at the range I'd rather not
How do you like your SBR? I was thinking of building AR pistol, but if it's stupid loud and pisses everyone off at the range I'd rather not
Love it, it's a 7.5 inch barrel. But I can't speak to the noise since mine is setup for 9mm and is suppressed. With 147gr rounds (subsonic) it's very quiet. I'd like to do another suppressed SBR in .300 blackout but I'm in CT and only had 3 lower receiver reg'd before the ban so my only option for more AR's would be using pre-'94 ban receivers which are running about $1100 just for the lower right now.
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Me too. Hilliary was going to reek havoc on the law abiding gun owners of America.
I haven't had a chance to fire my AK-47 yet. It's never been fired and I'd like a chance to do so. I'd carry my Coonan but it's a rather large pistol. So, now, I can rest easy knowing I don't have to hide my stuff from the gun grabbers and I can wait and purchase a smaller, more carry applicable pistol.
Springfield XDS 9mm 4.5'' barrel
Taurus .17HMR 7shot revolver
S&W .45 Shield (the new one just came out)
Various .22 pistols/revolvers
Mossberg .308 Night Train
Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun
Multiple Mossberg Shotguns
1 O/U Shotgun for trap (love my O/U)
.35 Rem Deer Rifle Pump Action
Savage .17HMR Rifle
Sig Sauer Scorpion FS 1911 (current carry, being replaced by the S&W)
Rueger 357 6'' revolver
Springfield XDS 9mm 4.5'' barrel
Taurus .17HMR 7shot revolver
S&W .45 Shield (the new one just came out)
Various .22 pistols/revolvers
Mossberg .308 Night Train
Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun
Multiple Mossberg Shotguns
1 O/U Shotgun for trap (love my O/U)
.35 Rem Deer Rifle Pump Action
Savage .17HMR Rifle
Sig Sauer Scorpion FS 1911 (current carry, being replaced by the S&W)
Rueger 357 6'' revolver
.17hmr revolver? That sounds like a blast to shoot! The small rifle round handguns are awesome, I'd like to snag an FN fiveseven soon.
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Unfortunately it's a state problem, not much Trump can do...I've got enough AR's anyway lol, I used to have 6 of them kicking around but thinned the herd a bit. My only real regret is not snagging a real MAC 10/11 before the prices went through the roof. I could have bought one for $2k when I first got into guns about 5 years ago, now they're bringing in $7k to $10k, though, that's better than the $30k real M16's are bringing now!
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Unfortunately it's a state problem, not much Trump can do...I've got enough AR's anyway lol, I used to have 6 of them kicking around but thinned the herd a bit. My only real regret is not snagging a real MAC 10/11 before the prices went through the roof. I could have bought one for $2k when I first got into guns about 5 years ago, now they're bringing in $7k to $10k, though, that's better than the $30k real M16's are bringing now!
You wanna cry?
When I first looked at a brand new MAC-11/Nine, I could've bought it for $400 including four 32 round mags, sling, and case, with the MAC suppressor an additional $200.
The $400 in transfer taxes is what stopped me. :'(
This was in 1984, and I was fresh out of college and just started my first real job, and $1,000 seemed like a bunch of money for a toy. I have considerably more than that in mine. :o
Hindsight is 20/20!
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Me too. Hilliary was going to reek havoc on the law abiding gun owners of America.
I haven't had a chance to fire my AK-47 yet. It's never been fired and I'd like a chance to do so. I'd carry my Coonan but it's a rather large pistol. So, now, I can rest easy knowing I don't have to hide my stuff from the gun grabbers and I can wait and purchase a smaller, more carry applicable pistol.
I thought Obama was gonna take all the guns too though?
Its crazy how M16s have gone up in price. Maybe I will try out the 9mm, super cheap to shoot.
Hopefully President Trump will remedy that problem for you.
So glad I live in a still-free state. :wave:
Me too. Hilliary was going to reek havoc on the law abiding gun owners of America.
I haven't had a chance to fire my AK-47 yet. It's never been fired and I'd like a chance to do so. I'd carry my Coonan but it's a rather large pistol. So, now, I can rest easy knowing I don't have to hide my stuff from the gun grabbers and I can wait and purchase a smaller, more carry applicable pistol.
I thought Obama was gonna take all the guns too though?
Ohhh, I'm sure he did plenty behind the scenes as a setup for Hillary to drive home. All speculation, but you know damn well they would like to see a lot less guns around.
I think unless there is also a Dem supermajority in the house and senate, you can probably relax with regards to any kind of (federal) gun control legislation passing. Learn how to make your own guns and ammo. No one can ever take that knowledge away.
Its crazy how M16s have gone up in price. Maybe I will try out the 9mm, super cheap to shoot.
9mm out of an AR is freaking fun as hell to shoot, it has much better ballistics out of a carbine length system than a pistol too. Just an FYI all 147 GR 9mm ammo is subsonic if loaded to SAAMI specs, so you can keep it pretty quiet even without a suppressor.
also most system run blow-back so no need for a gas system, i'd suggest either the RRA or Hahn magblock for the conversion, i run the RRA with ASC mags and it works perfect.
Learn how to make your own guns and ammo. No one can ever take that knowledge away.
I've milled a few AR lowers in my garage...good times. I'm just starting an 80% 1911 project now which is 10x more difficult.
Taurus .17HMR 7shot revolver
.17hmr revolver? That sounds like a blast to shoot! The small rifle round handguns are awesome, I'd like to snag an FN fiveseven soon.
Wouldnt know. The week I bought it (2 weeks ago now) I got all my final projects dumped on me at school so havent had a chance to test it out yet!
However, that is the exact reason I got it. I was like OMG THAT LOOKS LIKE A BLAST!.
On the 5-7 front, I owned one, along with a 2nd Gen PS90 (look up why 2nd gen was the best...) and an AR upper chambered in 5-7. Absolutely LOVED them. However, rounds were hard to find at the time, and expensive. Now federal makes rounds under the american eagle brand? Which is nice. Ended up selling them during one of the "gun grab scares" to pay rent...havent been able to replenish that specific round yet.
The 5.7x28 seems like a little brother to a 357SIG
Once my Ar15 / .223 is done I would like to get two uppers for it. One in .22LR for cheap plinks and one in 6.5 Grendel for long shots.
Since this came back to life...
Taurus 24/7 OSS Tactical .45ACP - the nightstand gun
Taurus PT111 G2 9mm - concealed carry gun
Remington 597 .22 - everyone should have a .22
Ruger American .270 with Cabela's caliber specific scope and unknown bipod
S&W M&P15 with the basic AR15 accessories
got to play with on the government's dime:
M16A2 with iron sights
M203 grenade launcher - only fired chalk rounds
M16A4, iron sights
M4A1, Aimpoint M68 CCO and AN/PEQ-15
M249 SAW
M2 .50Cal - yes, it's as fun as you think
Mk19 full auto 40mm grenade launcher
The Mk19 sounds pretty fun too!!
Guy at work is thinking of getting a Sig 716, has anyone shot one? Do they live up to the hype on accuracy at 800 yds?
Foop foop foop DERSH DERSH DERSH!
The Mk19 sounds pretty fun too!!
Guy at work is thinking of getting a Sig 716, has anyone shot one? Do they live up to the hype on accuracy at 800 yds?
Probably good for around 800 yards, but so is any well built .308 AR chassis (AR10, LAR308, SR25, etc).
I just bought this little guy, it's a Mossberg MVP LC chambered in .308, in testing they shot 8" groups at 950 yards. That's about 1 moa at that range.