I've always heard of people installing parts backwards on the Cobra / RX7 hybrid axle kit from
http://www.driveshaftshop.com/, but until I built a set myself I couldn't really identify. I'm pretty sure I know what the trouble was so I've made a mini tutorial for installing the inner CV on the tripod end of the axle correctly. The Rzeppa joint end of the axle is very straight forward. All you have to do is pop out all the ball bearings, pull out the race and cage, replace the RX7 race with the driveshaftshop race, and reassemble. There is a right and wrong end of the race to install the axle, but it's pretty apparent which is which if you pay attention to the Rzeppa joint when you initially disassemble it.
Like I said, I believe the tripod joint is what mixes people up. The inner CV and the axle splines have a very low tolerance so it's very tempting to install them backwards to get the clearance you need to install the c-clip. Here's what I'm talking about.
The Cobra inner CV has two sides:

The first picture shows the end that should be installed on the axle. The second picture shows the end that should be facing up and will be flush with the c-clip.
I think people are tempted to install the inner CV with the beveled side facing up because it appears as if they will have a little extra clearance to get the c-clip on. Don't do that...

When you put the inner CV on the axle it will look like this.

It's depressing because there's no way you can install the c-clip even if you push down hard on the inner CV.
Here's the secret. Grab yourself a large socket that will clear the axle but is still small enough to push the inner CV and wack it with a 5lb hammer

Like magic you'll have the clearance you need:

Now enjoy your axles and sell off the rest of the axles you cannibalized to make your set

Hope that helps some people