Mayhamfx, here is how mine is going, if it?s any help to you. The slave is attached to the fork 5.75 inches from the pivot ball. I measured the travel at this point from where the TO bearing first touches the fingers to the point where the clutch is free. It was .68 inches. On the master side, the piston travel was 1.00 inch from the pedal full up to the lower stop. With both the master and slave both being 7/8 inch bore, the ratio will be 1:1, so giving some free play at the top, and some over travel at the bottom, I hope it will turn out the way I like the clutch to feel. The big question in my mind is if it will have clearance in the tunnel. The Granny?s guide says cut 1.25 inches off the fork, I think I took about 1.5 inches off to be sure. I had hoped to put the engine in this weekend, but I found out Friday night that I have the wrong engine mount, it?s the manual steering mount and I need the power steering one.