September 2/08
Here's a run down off what's happening lately.
Part 1:
I went to start it for the first time today. I turned the key and nothing. Looked around, found a fuel leak at an injector, replaced an O-ring which fixed that. Chased down the cranking circuit and found in my infinite wisdom I'd cut the lever off the clutch pedal that works the interlock switch thinking it was for the cruise control. Bypassed that a it cranks and fires right up but runs like hell, super rough, missing like crazy and no throttle. Mechanically the throttle is fine it just doesn't do anything. Now that could be an issue with not having a cable throttle module in the ECM. It was a DBW ECM when I had it flashed the guy deleted the DBW diag. and error codes but I think it needs the whole throttle module changed. Besides that I checked the exhaust ports to see if I could tell which cylinders were firing, the front 4 cylinders were cold and the rear 4 were warm, so to me it seems it's only running on 4 cylinders. Got any ideas?
Part 2:
Checked some stuff out tonight. It seems to start on all cylinders and then stumbles and drop cylinders until it stalls. If I touch the throttle it gets worse or dies right away. I've read a bunch about converting DBW to cable tonight and I think that may be the problem. One guy said DBW ECMs don't have IAC drivers installed. IMHO I'm leaning towards this. Anyone have experience with DBW to cable conversions?
Part 3:
So I'm pulling the ECM out tonight and getting it reflashed with the cable throttle program from a 05 Chevy full size van. I believe this will fix my problem.
Part 4:
Put the reflashed ECM in today. The guy used a program from a 05 van with a cable throttle 4.8L in it. He changed the fuel table to a 5.3 with 26lb injectors and timing tables for 89 octane. He also corrected the cylinder volume from 4.8 to 5.3.
It's still not running right. It fired up but not as easy as before, it stumbled and stumbled got better and better, throttle would make it rev but it would stay up even though the throttle was closed and come down after a few seconds. It still felt like it was missing. then it would lose the idle and run on 1-2 cylinders.
The tach won't work, I'm positive I have it hooked up right (white wire from ECM to yellow/blue wire at the trailing coil plug).
I disconnected the battery to fix a problem with the temp sender wiring and clean out the left over stock emission/ecm wiring. After I got the temp sender fixed so the gauge read I ran it again. It was worse. It will fire and as soon as it tries to idle it seems to run on 1-2 cylinders. Giving the throttle the tiniest touches caused it to almost stall but once or twice after doing that it would catch and come up to a high idle, still rough though. Giving it more throttle just kills it.
I thought vacuum leak. I thought there might be a vacuum port on the map sensor I had left off, opposite the brake booster. Sure enough the small port on the passenger side was open, I capped it, is that right or should I run a hose somewhere?
I tried to run it again and I'd say it was a little worse.
In the mean time I was trying to fix a small coolant leak on the temp sender adapter by tightening it up until I finally snapped it off causing a large coolant leak.
Part 5:
OK fixed the coolant leak, finished cleaning up the old Mazda ECM wiring, wired in the OBDII port, wired up the MIL and fixed a small exhaust leak. Tachometer still not working, is there a way to check the signal from the ECM, tachometer was working before I started the swap.
Fired it up, a little hard to start, ran fair. When I would give it gas it would rev up and stay up for a few seconds before coming down. Slow to respond to the throttle. Once up to temperature, which is fairly quick, and switches to closed loop barely idles and no throttle response, just wants to die if I touch the gas.
Talked to someone who said check the wiring to the TPS and IAC. Found that the IAC plug I had used from a 2000 or 1999 truck has a different pin arrangement than the 2005. The wire colors are the same just two are reversed. Fixed that by changing the pins around in the ECM plug. This time in open loop the RPM stayed up even longer before coming down, nothing else changed.
The thermostat doesn't seem to be opening.
Borrowed an OBD2 scanner tonight and scanned the engine without starting it. Had 13 codes:
P0230 Fuel pump primary circuit malfunction ( got this one twice #1 and #11)
P0507 Idle control system RPM high (got this twice too #2 and #12)
P1258 Manufacturer control fuel air metering
P2761 TCC pressure control solenoid CKT open (got this one twice too #4 and #13)
P0053 HO2S bank 1 sensor 1 Heater resistance
P0054 HO2S bank 1 sensor 2 Heater resistance (don't have a sensor 2)
P0059 HO2S bank 2 sensor 1 Heater resistance
P0060 HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 Heater resistance (don't have a sensor 2)
P0122 TPS/pedal position sensor A circuit low input
P0200 Injector circuit OPEN
I cleared all these and started the motor. It actually almost ran OK best yet. The throttle seemed to work. I watched the data on the scanner although a lot I wasn't sure what it meant. The temp went to 246 before I knew it and then dropped to 235 I checked the rad hoses and the thermostat had opened and the fan had come on. It stayed at that temp to, like thats what the thermostat was, way too high I think. New thermostat needed I think. Temp gauge never read above about 2/3 to 3/4 although the engine was boiling after I shut it down. I'm thinking different sender needed too. Was running fair though, felt very weak on the throttle. Thats when I noticed I had left the TPS plug off after checking the pin out earlier, I plugged it in and it stopped running fair right away and went back to crap.
Rescanned for codes and got
P2761 which is a automatic transmission code which I'm ignoring because I have a standard.
P0171 System too lean bank 1
P0174 System too lean bank 2
I haven't checked my fuel pressure yet.
I checked the O2 sensor wiring and it seems I may have the banks mixed up I figure this could cause some trouble.
Part 6:
Todays update. O2 sensor wiring was mixed up side to side, shit happens when you rip the harness all apart, but no problem moved the pins around on the ECM plugs and it's all good now. Maybe that will make it run better.
Found what was wrong with the cooling. When I got the f-body water pump it didn't come with a thermostat or housing so I just used the truck one I had from the original pump. BAD IDEA THE THERMOSTAT IS LONGER AND SEALS OFF THE BYPASS AND THEN WON'T LET THE THERMOSTAT OPEN SO YOU ENGINE OVERHEATS IN TWO WAYS! So I'll be picking up a new thermostat and housing tomorrow. Also changed the wiring on my fan controller to the option of having the fan stay on after the key is turned off.
The engine went into high temp limp mode because of the cooling problem so that adds to the poor running.
I have a gauge to test my fuel pressure which I'll do after the cooling system is back together.
I'm picking the problems off one by one.
Part 7:
Replaced truck thermostat with F-body thermostat. Did little boiling water, side by side test of both truck and f-body thermostats before installation, was happy with results, f-body way better.
Tested the fuel pressure today with a gauge on the rail. Turned the key on without starting it and let the pump run for the 2 seconds the ECM allows it to. checked the gauge, 0 psi. Didi it again and again and again watching the gauge, saw a little movement but always returning to zero. Started the science experiment.
1) Pulled pump out of tank and test in bucket of gas, pumps fine.
2) Hooked 0-60 psi gauge to pump and test again, pins gauge passed 60 psi right away and holds pressure.
3) Hooked Corvette FPR to pump and 0-60 psi gauge to outlet on FPR return line back to bucket, 22 psi and drops to 0 psi when pump is stopped.
4) Decide FPR is a piece of defective crap and return to store for refund.
5) Try to purchase replacement Corvette FPR, none to be found at all local parts stores.
6) Purchase Mallory adjustable FPR 30-100 psi on sale $100, good deal, plus inline fuel filter.
7) Mallory FPR comes with -8an fittings, WTF, who uses shit that big. Spend rest of evening turning -8an fittings into usable pipe thread on lathe.
8 Quit for day back at it tomorrow thinking this will be the day.
Part 8:
Obviously I'm cursed. Something I did to someone, maybe it was that Mexican I sold the rebuilt van to without telling him.......
OK, today I hooked up the new Mallory FPR in the bucket with the gauge and set the pressure at 58 psi. It drops a bit, 10-15 psi, when the pump is shut off. No leaks. I install it and manually prime it with a wire right from the battery which lives in the trunk, full pressure at the rail. Check everything once more, there's a leak, looks like the outlet. Pull the FPR out and give the outlet one more turn and reinstall. Still leaks, FUCK. Pull out the FPR and the pump and back into the bucket it goes. Test in the bucket and the leak is coming from the split where the two halves join together, double FUCK. Disassemble FPR and put some seal-all around edge of diaphragm reassemble and test, looks good. Reinstall Pump and FPR, prime again, check. LEAK. Copious amounts of swearing, FUCK used extensively, POS numerous times. Appears to be coming from plugs blocking extra outlets. Remove yet again, remove plugs use pipe thread sealant instead of teflon tape, tighten stupid tight. reinstall. Test prime. Still weeping just a bit, ready to chuck Fucking thing down driveway. Figure I'll run motor anyway and fix later.
Fire up motor and watch pressure on rail drop to 20 psi, WTF? Pull plug off pump and clip on jumper from battery, full pressure right away. Restart motor, runs way better, full pressure at rail. Ran motor for couple of minutes and here's my observations:
1) Motor still overheated. I think there's still air in the system causing this. Keep adding more fluid after every time run. Is there a way to bleed the air out?
2) RPM's stay up after the throttle is released then come down after a few seconds. Sort of stumped on this could be a bad TPS or IAC motor.
3) Fuel pump relay wiring is wrong or something. I don't think I'm getting full power to the pump. I think I'll just put in a new relay back near the pump and ditch the stock one.
4) Runs way more like a 325+ hp motor should with the fuel pressure up.
Oh yea, replaced the leaking FPR plug with another new plug with PST sealant, torqued it down hard and I'm letting it set up until tomorrow before I reinstall it. Fingers crossed.
Part 9:
Ran a new wire back to the fuel pump and replaced the stock relay with a real one. Wired it up with ECM green to one side of the coil and straight to ground on the other side, original black w/white switched power in and back to the pump with my new wire out. Works like a charm, full pressure right off the prime and running. Fucking FPR is leaking, just still barely weeping at the part line of the housing all the fittings look dry, POS!
Didn't overheat tonight, must have enough coolant in it now. Thermostat opened, coolant circulated and the fan came on. Seems to be on the mend.
The tachometer fairies still haven't come by and fixed the tach. I guess I'll run the white tach wire straight up to the gauge and see if that works.
Now the stuff that still stumps me:
Idle hangs for a few seconds and then drops just like a switch was thrown. not all the way sometimes ether. The engine is like new and when I pulled the IAC off and looked at it, it looked new. Not gummed up or old and crappy. The MIL (engine light) is on so I'll have to borrow a scanner again and see what it tells me.
I got brave and put it in gear and let the clutch out with it idling, (it's still on stands) just to see if the axles would turn or if there would be some horrible noise and more problems. The hubs turned and I could here nothing out off the ordinary, except that the idle jumped way up with the wheels turning. Obviously the VSS is working and telling something to give it more gas, which I think is a little weird, but maybe it wants to compensate for the theoretical added load of moving the car. Anyone have this happen to them, is it normal? Or is it part of my idle problem?
Originally Posted by andrewb70
After all that I would do:
Part 10: Rolled the car into the driveway and hosed it down with the gasoline from the bucket and set it on fire. Pretty good. I have nothing productive to contribute :/
The only thing that stopped me was it's got no wheels on it.
Originally Posted by j200pruf
Instead of lighting on fire you just give it to me, I can be up there next weekend to pick it up?
And even so Graham your way to close to give up now (unless you wanna give it to me
Out of my dead cold hands buddy........