I think these cars look good in a bright silver, and have thought about using one of the very bright silvers with the fine pigment, like the S2000 I saw, and some others, much brighter than the original RX-7 silver.
In 1992 I built a convertible from a GSL-SE, painted it bright silver on top, shaded to a silver grey on the lower panels. The effects in different lighting were interesting.
When I painted my current project in 1997, I thought about bright silver on top, and light silver grey on the sides - thought that would make a nice contrast with the bright silver wheels. But I had the metallic red paint, so I used it. Still looks pretty good, but I have only driven it 36k miles.
I did not read every post on your thread, but I skimmed through and did not see anything about brakes - What are you planning to do about brakes?