My record is 10 days, ~ 5 hrs/day, by myself, on jackstands, in my driveway, building the harness from a custom harness (PITA). That includes PS, AC, a few custom parts, full exhaust, all gauges working, and a 300mile trip after 1 20 mile test drive.
Only problem was 1 of the O2 circuits were wired in reverse and would cause the car to buck a little bit when cruising during the 300mile trip. I plugged in HPTuners and forced it into open loop, and it cruised just fine until I got to my destination where I could trouble shoot it.
Did another one in 10 days which included all of the above, but a custom fuel system. After about 1 week of test driving, I drove it to Los Angeles for delivery. Met up with the Ronin crew for some BS, less Joel, but they said you were out of the country. The 2500mile trip was not without incodent, but, long story short, I made it intact. I'll save that story for another thread when I'm not hijacking someone else's. I could probably do it in less, if I had help and was in a hurry.