Due to everybody's appreciation for the work I did on the front harness I decided to expand my collection to include the Instrument harness, the Dash harness, the Rear harness, and the Floor harness. Instead of listing out the purpose of each connector in this thread I have created an index which is attached to the bottom of this post. Each connector is tagged with it's corresponding FSM ID. These pictures merely serve as a spacial aid to help physically locate connectors on the corresponding harness. The FSM should still be referenced for circuit information.




INDEX:I am particularly proud of this mainly due to the simplification of the X connectors it provides. For those that don't know the X connectors are the interconnections between the various harnesses in the RX7. The FSM as written does not address the X connectors on one page or per circuit/application like every other connector in the manual, but rather scatters references across the entire manual. Because of this, you basically have to thumb through the whole manual and looking for references to the X connector of interest. For example, parts of X-01 (the Main Fuse Block) are referenced on pages 24, 28, 42, 44, 50, 52, 56, 60, 62, 66, 68, 78, 82,
86, 88, 90, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 110, and 115. My index gives these references and more. Attached to the bottom of this post
*Update 4-19-12*
I see this question asked a lot on these forums and also get quite a few PMs about it. "What can I remove from harness X?"
Its a complicated question with no real answer. It all depends on you. What can you live without? What are the necessary systems you want to retain? Do you want to relocate or redesign anything? Are aftermarket accessories being installed that need wiring run through harness X?
When I say systems, here are some examples:
Engine Management. I.E., connectors and wiring that interfaces with the ECU, fuel pump, EGI and Circuit opening relays, EL unit, ignitor, alternator, air pump emissions harness, engine harness, etc, etc
Fan Control System. I.E., keep, delete (for aftermarket solution), or redesign
Instrument feedback / sensor. I.E., Oil Level
Windshield Washers
Headlights / Retraction System
Air Conditioning
Automatic Transmission Control
Audio System (Front relay)
Theft Deterrent Control System (Hood sensor, immobilizer, etc)
Cruise control
Air Bag System
Diagnostic Connector
1. Decide what systems you can live without. Reading the electrical manual will really help you here.
2 Decide if there's anything you want to move around. I.E., moving everything from X-01 and the TNS and Horn relays to X-02 then plan what changes / extensions you will need to make to accomplish it.
3 Decide if you need to add wiring. Adding an alarm or extra gauges? Now's the time to integrate the wiring.
4 Start by identifying the connectors to the systems you want to delete then trace where every one of its wires go using the FSM. Once you know a wire goes to 12v, gnd, or to another system you're removing you're safe to remove it.
Hope that helps