Hey guys, some of you know that I provide the community with Delrin bushings for the Explorer differential if you're using the Ronin 8.8 kit. I'm not very happy with my current supplier so I turned to Mark's Engineering to see if they can turn out a set of bushings for the community.
These bushings will be made form 85A Polyurethane instead of Delrin and will be top quality like all their other prodcuts.
We need 10 orders to make this happen so please sign up if you're interested or go ahead and place an order on Mark's webiste by clicking on the link below.
http://www.marks-engineering.com/collections/fd3s/products/fd3s-rear-differential-mountsGroupbuy price will be $200 and we'll run the groupbuy for 3 days after we reach 10 orders. Pricing after the groupbuy will go up to $250 inedefinately.
Ok, so let's talk about time frame. After the groupbuy is over, we WILL have products being delivered in 4 weeks time.