You have to de-solder those. They are on there pretty good too. Then the case halves come apart. But, then the central portion of the alternator is virtually impossible to separate from the front half of the case. You want to do everything you can not to scratch the coating on the wires on that central part, as that can notably reduce cooling.
Danzan and I got about 90% through disassembly a couple years back, then we scratched up those wires enough that he was concerned about reduced output of the alternator. Also the case serves as a ground, so you have to make sure not to paint certain surfaces, use appropriate dielectric n some surfaces etc.
I decided not to spend any more hours on it with a potential negative outcome. I have all the parts in a box somewhere.

That said, I had more pressing things to do on the car at that time. I may pull that stuff out sometime if I am bored...
I say if you are going through all the effort make sure you use catalyzed paint at the very least, powdercoat would be better, and anodization would also be a good way to go. You don't want to get everything done, then scratch your finish!

Please post what you find if you decide to proceed, I am sure others have considered, or completed the operation.